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Hans (

Hello Al, At, we're in search of an individual who is adept at diving into a Clojure project and ready to make contributions. The technology stack includes integrant, reitit, malli, xtdb, Kafka, and hiccup. Prior experience with this stack is not a prerequisite; we're seeking someone confident in Clojure. The majority of the technical design decisions have been established and now require implementation or further development. If you're interested, please reach out to me. Best regards, Hans


Unless I missed it, you might want to specify which countries you're looking to hire from. Typically, European companies prefer hiring within Europe, and American companies within the Americas.

👍 1
Hans (

We are indeed European based on the Netherlands and prefer to hire in Europe but also open for abroad

Hans (

We have more Clojure product coming up and finding experience poeple in the eu only is difficult..but moving away from Clojure is a no go :man-gesturing-no: 😀

❤️ 22
Pieter Koornhof05:11:46

How big is the team?