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Tommy Jolly18:11:38

Struggling with some aspects of datalog, hope it's OK to ask here -- I'm not sure how much implementations differ. My question is essentially "how do I call a function within a query", but I'm going to spell everything out, because this might be an XY-problem if I'm modelling it all in the wrong way. My database contains 3 types of entity: items, group-sets, and groups. A group-set defines a number of groups via :group-set/f, a function that maps items to its groups, i.e. (f item-entity) returns a valid group/id. I guess the groupsets are like demographic splits - if the items were people, the groupsets might be "by gender", "by vote", "by age" etc. I'd like to extract the groups for a given groupset. My current approach is to get the function with one query, and I'm hoping I can apply it in another, something like:

(d/q '[:find ?group ?item
         :in $ ?g
         [?item :item/id _]
         [?group :group/id (?g (d/pull ?item [*]))]]
       db group-set-g)
But obviously I don't know how to call the function ?g, and I'm also not sure if this is the right approach in the first place.


You don’t need to use a function for group-set. Model things as data, don’t use function if you don’t have to.


That is to say, you don’t need group-set.

Tommy Jolly20:11:18

The data's very dynamic, so functions are a must! I've just spent a couple of hours playing around with rules and aggregators and they're all cool, but the syntax I needed was [(?f ?thing) ?binding] -- combined with rules, that will be much cleaner than repeatedly calling d/q.

Tommy Jolly20:11:04

One more question! Is it inefficient to define the rule '[[(identity ?x) [_ _ _]]] ? Is there a better way to specify that a rule should do nothing?

Tommy Jolly21:11:07

Actually, forget that! The rule I wanted is '[[(f ?x ?e) [?x ?a ?v] [?e ?a ?v]]] to map something to itself, and I guess it's as efficient as it can be! Thank you for your time, and thanks for making such an awesome product ❤️ I was surprised to find so many Datomic features implemented.


Thanks. Except for the temporal features, we probably have more features than Datomic, as we have KV store features. The goal is to have a versatile database.