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Huahai03:04:24 0.9.5 is out, with a few bug fixes in the query optimizer.

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🎉 2
Ivar Refsdal06:04:39

... and 1024 stars! Now one more (me).

👍 2

Just released 3.15.2 which only includes one feature • an outdated thread tab notification and refresh system. I think this is a feature and a fix also since it is pretty confusing/buggy to explore outdated thread functions list or call trees. This wasn't much of a problem before FlowStorm automatically opened the first thread for you, because for the time that you double clicked to open the thread tab the recording has probably finished in most cases. It mostly affected the functions list (if you didn't press the refresh), since the tree and code stepper are mostly lazy.

🎉 6

Babashka HTTP client for Clojure and babashka built on 0.4.18 (2024-04-18) • Support a Clojure function as :client option, mostly useful for testing

babashka 4
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