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I know, its not 100% cursive relevant but, on Version 2024.1 in Intellij, the clojure-extras plugin do not work anymore - are there inline evaluation available in cursive too?


Just clone clj-extras repo, update version (see pull request) and build plugin locally. 2 min work.


I’m also planning to add inline eval, hopefully in the next version.

R.A. Porter20:04:59

Yeah. Your local build of my PR branch will take you almost no time to generate the import files for the plugin.


Hey folks, i’ve just uploaded a compatible version of extras, thanks to @U01GXCWSRMW. @U0567Q30W, official inline eval would be awesome 💖

Sam Adams23:04:59

Seems that Cursive’s test integration doesn’t report any kind of diff / actual exception when thrown-with-msg? fails, e.g. for me this reports a failure but I can’t see the actual exception anywhere:

(deftest foo-test
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"foo" (throw (ex-info "bar" {})))))