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How do you guys usually store React Refs? I need to manually call a member function on one, but I’m not really sure where to put the REF. Should I attach it to this?

(defn virtual-window [props]
     (fn [this prev-props]
       (when (not= (:size-dep props)
                   (:size-dep prev-props))
         (.resetAfterIndex REF 0)))           ;; <-- USE REF HERE

     (fn [props]
       [:> react-window/VariableSizeList
        (merge props {:ref REF})              ;; <-- GET ACCESS TO REF HERE


Wrap (r/create-class ...) in a (let [ref (atom nil)] ...). Then you'd pass #(reset! ref %) into :ref and use it as just @ref where needed. Alternatively, you can use react/createRef instead of an atom - that's what I usually do.

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But also, it's documented: Although, that page doesn't mention react/createRef...


I don’t see any benefit to using the createRef unless they deprecate the callback method. I think I’ll use the callback, thanks!


I saw that doc page and I was just confused about how to use it with create-class, but it’s clear now that the fn is interchangeable with the create-class form


One benefit is that you don't have to store that callback somewhere if you want to avoid unnecessary re-renders, because functions created with the same code are never equal to each other. Another benefit is consistency - React components themselves usually use React refs. If you have to interact with such components a lot, it makes sense to use the most common mechanism.


oh wow, i didn’t realize that attaching anonymous functions to props guarantees a re-render


It doesn't guarantee it. A re-render won't happen if nothing changes within the component. But it some property changes and you return basically the same Hiccup with the only difference being a ref function, it will be re-rendered.

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At least, according to what I can recall. :) My memory can be hazy, so definitely experiment if you care about re-renders.


I don’t think I understand reagent enough. I was told to use it instead of Rum so I wouldn’t have to be explicit with how things re-render, but I’m getting snagged by not knowing exactly what is happening when I need to


I’ll try some experiments. By the way, thanks for always answering questions here. Lemme know if I can donate


It's certainly a journey. If you want to deepen your knowledge, I would definitely recommend learning React at least to some extent - probably everything but hooks, or almost everything, since there's not that much there anyway without delving into implementation details. Heh, thanks, I appreciate the gesture. :) But I don't have any kind of donation set up - I've got enough clientele to support my material needs.


I think I studied React enough when it came out, probably just unclear on some of the new parts. I think I’ll re-read the reagent docs again. One thing I’m unclear on is if I even have access to props inside :component-did-update inside a create-class, or if I have to use the reagent.core/props function on the this arg.


It's the latter, yes.


Here's the place where you can see how all Reagent life cycle functions are called:

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So basically the signature of :component-did-update is [this [this-constructor old-props] old-state snapshot]. It's very likely that you will never need this-constructor, old-state, and snapshot.

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Great! I was wondering how to get the signatures for reagent’s lifecycle function wrappers, glad to see where I can find them. Thank you

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