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are there any pros/cons of using form-2 type of component e.g.:
(defn comp []
(let [counter (r/atom 0)]
(fn [] ,,,)))
versus using (r/with-let)
?Anybody try optimized builds? Simple works fine but I was trying to get advanced to work. I set pseudo-names to true but I cannot figure out how to get past this error. I thought it might be react-dom but i am including it from cljsjs.. Oh I am using boot to build project. Cannot read property ‘$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$’ of undefined at $reagent$dom$render_comp$$
it's trying to dynamically invoke a 3-arity function inside of a reagent component. is there a component name in the stack trace?
return $reagent$dom$global$0module$0react_dom$$.$render$.$cljs$core$IFn$invoke$arity$3$?$reagent$dom$global$0module$0reactdom$$.$render$.$cljs$core$IFn$invoke$arity$3$($G_8174$$,$container$jscomp$1$$,$G__8176$$):$reagent$dom$global$0module$0react_dom$$.$render$.call(null,$G__8174$$,$container$jscomp$1$$,$G__8176$$)}finally{$reagent$impl$util$STARalways_update_STAR_$$=$STARalways_update_STAR__orig_val__8172$$}} not sure if this helps. I dont see a component name. I will look at my components. This does work without name munging.