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Hi, what would be the idiomatic way to store the whole database in localstorage, or, just some parts of it? Any advices / ideas?
@sveri if your db contains just data which serializes nicely you can dump it into localstorage under some key using pr-str
and read it from there with read-string
. I’m not sure how idiomatic this is but that’s what I’m doing.
There are a couple of utils listed here
But basically it’s trivial to implement yourself.
(defn ls-set! [k v]
(.setItem js/localStorage k (pr-str v)))
(defn ls-get
(some->> (.getItem js/localStorage k)
(defn ls-remove!
(.removeItem js/localStorage k))
(fn [cofx k]
(assoc cofx :local-storage-value (ls-get k))))
Yes I use cofx so local storage values can be injected into event handlers. For setting the values the most idiomatic thing would probably be reg-fx
@sveri Actually I just noticed that my own implementation was a bit half-assed and I fixed it. This is now my whole local storage namespace
(defn ls-set! [k v]
(.setItem js/localStorage (pr-str k) (pr-str v)))
(defn ls-get [k]
(when-let [s (.getItem js/localStorage (pr-str k))]
(reader/read-string s)))
(defn ls-remove! [k]
(.removeItem js/localStorage k))
(fn [cofx k]
(assoc-in cofx [:local-storage k] (ls-get k))))
(fn [k]
(ls-remove! k)))
(fn [[k v]]
(ls-set! k v)))
So retrieving values happens via cofx
for easy injection into events with (re-frame/inject-cofx ::local-storage/get :some-key)
Setting and removing values happens by defining them as effects in the effects map.
{:db ...
::local-storage/set! [key value]}