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I want to make a tip to flash, whenever a button is pressed, and fadeout
after that. If the button is pressed in succession, I want the tip to stop fadeout
and show from the start(and then fadeout). I write a reg-event-db
event handler in :dispatch
to make the tip to show, and another event handler in :dispatch-later
to make the tip to fadeout.
I want to add a :deregister-event-handler
to cancel the process of showing and fading out. and :dispatch
Thanks @mikethompson
So I want to write this: {:dispatch-n (list [:deregister-event-handler [:show :fadeout]] [:show]) :dispatch-later [{:ms 200 :dispatch [:fadeout]}]}
is used to drive deep learning development
If I want to wrap every reframe event handler in a try-catch that reports, should I write my own , wrapper version of reg-event-fx?
(I'm on react native, and sometimes the only error reporting I have is "there was an error somewhere" - would love to narrow it down to a handler)
^ I did this
(defn reg-event-fx
([name f]
(reg-event-fx name [] f))
([name interceptors f]
(re-frame.core/reg-event-fx name interceptors (fn [& args] (try
(apply f args)
(catch :default e
(throw (js/Error. (str "Error handling " name "\n\n" (oget e "message"))))))))))
(defn reg-event-db
([name f]
(reg-event-db name [] f))
([name interceptors f]
(re-frame.core/reg-event-db name interceptors (fn [& args] (try
(apply f args)
(catch :default e
(throw (js/Error. (str "Error handling " name "\n\n" (oget e "message"))))))))))
is that a bad idea?
@danieleneal here maybe?
Am I getting it right that routing in re-frame based app usually happens via setting some key in db and then matching components against it?
Seems like secretary wants you to do that
yes, pretty much everything view-related in re-frame happens that way @yury.solovyov
yes, @yury.solovyov , you may use re-frame-template +routes
which gives you secretary
;; event
(fn [db [_ active-panel]]
(assoc db :active-panel active-panel)))
;; view
(defn- panels [panel-name]
(case panel-name
:home-panel [home-panel]
:about-panel [about-panel]
(defn show-panel [panel-name]
[panels panel-name])
(defn main-panel []
(let [active-panel (re-frame/subscribe [:active-panel])]
(fn []
[show-panel @active-panel])))
I have an app already, just need to add secretary I guess
but thanks @lovuikeng
np @yury.solovyov re-frame-template
is like treasure hunt 🙂