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is there a builtin effect for changing the current panel? I want to return something like {:db db :route "/home"} as my effect map and have it update my active panel in the db but also set the location in the address bar of the browser.


You'll have to implement that yourself since routing is not handled by re-frame


in my last re-frame app, I have an effect that does history.pushState and a event handler for url changes that updates the app-db


this is what I came up with


I’m using secretary for routing, I was surprised that sec/dispatch! doesn’t update the address bar


Is there a better place for builtin effect docs than


lumpy: Don't think so, what's wrong with those?


just seemed incomplete, the http example was a little misleading, I thought it was a builtin effect


lumpy: I think it's pretty complete. Hmm, I can't seem to find an example with http on that page?


just a little confusing to show a builtin handler that exists(dispatch), in the same example with one that doesn’t


It’s my understanding that only :http-xhrio exists, no :http


You can use goog.HTML5History if you want to improve


I will blogpost about that in some days

Geoffrey Gaillard21:05:04

@U2J4FRT2T I'm interested, could you share the link around here when the blogpost is ready ? 🙂


I don't know if any of you have been following the discussions / clojure subreddit lately, but it's become apparent that lowering the barrier to entry to clj(s) is something that is still being asked for. A blog post that is gaining traction from a beginner yesterday touted that CLJS could use something as easy as a create-react-app. I'm going to start on a create-reframe-app and am wondering if anyone is interested in helping / has any thoughts on the matter


(The idea being that getting set up with the JDK, then subsequently leiningen, then subsequently [library/framework of choice] (in our case; lein new re-frame ....) is enough hoops that it deters people - compared to a simple CLI tool being the only thing people need to install in the case of a one-off like create-reframe-app)