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Hi, I'm trying to trun clairvoyant debug, I'm following this:, but can't make it work. I'm using figwheel; Is there anyone who managed to turn it on with figwheel? I tried several combinations in project.clj, with optimizations :none, :whitespace, etc. Maybe someone knows an open source project with right configuration. My js/clairvoyant.core.devmode is 'false' - I assume it should be 'true' if I'd configure it properly? :cljsbuild {:builds {:app {:source-paths ["src/cljc" "src/cljs" "env/dev/cljs" "resources/locale"] :compiler {:main "" :asset-path "/js/out" :output-to "target/cljsbuild/public/js/app.js" :output-dir "target/cljsbuild/public/js/out" :optimizations :none :closure-defines {"goog.DEBUG" true "clairvoyant.core.devmode" true}


@skuteli try {'clairvoyant.core.devmode true} - it requires symbols rather than strings iirc - i've had it working with boot-reload rather than figwheel, but i think it should be the same


Hello, is there anything like re-frame for the server?


Re-frame for clojure, does that exist?


@decoursin Well, re-frame is a ClojureScript library. What is it that you have in mind exactly? Building Java Swing/FX UIs? Server state management similar to the re-frame app-db?