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anyone else seeing this?
Jonathans-MacBook-Pro:planck jonathan$ script/test-all-c
Running unit tests...
Running integration tests...
Running integration tests...
< Only :as alias, :refer (names) and :rename {from to} options supported in :require; offending spec: [ :quu] at line 1
> Only :as alias and :refer (names) options supported in :require; offending spec: [ :quu] at line 1
Integration tests have failed.
@johanatan You may need to run script/clean so that it builds a new ClojureScript compiler
(I suspect that because the error message diff refers to some stuff present in the newer compiler releases.)
Yeah… I’d have to check but clean
may use Planck itself, which is probably a bad idea in hindsight
after building HEAD on planck-c, i tried planck with my screencap script and it seemed to just hang indefinitely (without printing anything). Initial debugging indicated that the main thread was in block_until_timers_complete
[ahh, yea, I just brew installed --HEAD to get a working 'planck' for the clean
lol 🙂 ]
@mfikes do you think it is a good idea for processes started with sh
to inherit the pgid of planck itself?
[i'm occassionally seeing runaway processes and it would be nice to be able to kill them all in one fell swoop]