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Updated • Kitty Terminal: Add Gruvbox Material Dark Soft as default theme - update with kitty +kitten themes • Docker: example multi-stage Dockerfile to build Clojure services using • Docker: update to compose.yaml docker compose V2 configuration to build and run a Clojure service, with persistence services examples (postgres, mysql) • Docker: update to swagger-editor.yaml to run the OpenAPI swagger editor locally in Docker and work with JSON and YAML OpenAPI specification files • Make: updated Makefile tasks to include tasks and print Kaocha configuration

practicalli-johnny23:04:07 updated with examples of using Kaocha test runner with make, Clojure CLI aliases (from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config) and a Kaocha shell script. There is a nice presentation of test output when the test runs, e.g. if there are println or other console out data.