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Is it a reasonable idea to extend the poly tool from within one’s project? I’m considering polylith as a partial replacement to my custom tooling.


Can you be a bit more specific about what you're doing/thinking? At work, we run the poly tool via Clojure shell to get lists of changes etc, without trying to use it as a library.


I have a tool that starts a development JVM, has commands and covers some ground that the poly tool does; I was considering the reasonableness of writing custom commands available within the poly tool on a specific project.


We started doing something similar as part of our (currently on hold) migration to polylith. Have a dev jvm that pulls in the poly tool and other tools we use and use them to carry out the build pipeline tasks. I don't think poly itself is officially extensible with commands but one can wrap the tool I believe


I use poly as a library calling projects-to-deploy since that is what polylith's build.clj does. Works well for me.


We get that information via a CLI call from our build.clj:

(defn- changed-projects
  "Produce the list of projects that need building.

  `since` should be `:before-tag` or `:after-tag`"
  (let [{:keys [exit out]}
        (run-task {:aliases [:poly]
                   :out     :capture
                   :exit    :capture
                    (str "since:"
                         (case since
                           :before-tag "release"
                           :after-tag  "previous-release"))
    (if (zero? exit)
      (edn/read-string out)
      (throw (ex-info "Unable to determine changed projects"
                      {:exit exit :out out})))))


(I'd be wary of calling any of the Polylith internals from my own code -- but the CLI interface is pretty well-defined and documented)


run-task is a generic subprocess runner, based on aliases (similar to what's in the cookbook).


It's from the poly tool docs as an example, so I thought we were meant to use that API. But on a second reading, maybe build.clj changed since that was written.?


Here's the 0.2.19-SNAPSHOT version of the API and it seems minimal and offers a reasonably firm guarantee of non-breakage, so I guess that function is safe to depend on (but I wouldn't depend on other namespaces -- and even tho' it says they don't mean to break the test runner, 0.2.19 has breaking changes compared to 0.2.18, but only a couple of test runners exist at this point and one has already been updated to work with both versions):


We have an example in the documentation on how to use clj-poly from a build script in the documentation In the same page we also say "If you need more access than is exposed by the API at the moment, just reach out to the Polylith team in and we will try to help out."