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seeing some unexpected behavior, am I missing something obvious??

(ns app.test
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom :refer [div text]]))

#?(:clj (def !a (atom "a")))
(e/def a (e/server (e/watch !a)))

#?(:clj (def !b (atom "b")))
(e/def b (e/server (e/watch !b)))

#?(:clj (def !c (atom "c")))
(e/def c (e/server (e/watch !c)))

(e/defn Test []
    (div (text "a: " (pr-str a)))
    (div (text "b: " (pr-str b)))
    (div (text "c: " (pr-str c))))
   (println a)
   (println b)
   (println c)))
this is on latest master (`b32ac9`)

👀 2

well this works as expected in electric-fiddle so it must be something screwy in my app. any tips on locating the issue?


on my original project, I tried pasting in the Toggle demo code (!%54oggle)/) and got this error:

22:57:17.316 ERROR [qtp362743760-80] hyperfiddle.electric - #error {
 :cause check failed: (some? (get (aget frame frame-slot-dynamic) symb)) for nil
 :data {:hyperfiddle.electric.debug/trace [{: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/type :eval, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/fn {}, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [/test2 <exception>], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true} {: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/type :eval, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/fn {}, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [#object[HTMLBodyElement [object HTMLBodyElement]] <exception>], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true} {: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true}], :hyperfiddle.electric/type :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/trace}
 [{:type hyperfiddle.electric.FailureInfo
   :message check failed: (some? (get (aget frame frame-slot-dynamic) symb)) for nil
   :data {:hyperfiddle.electric.debug/trace [{: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/type :eval, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/fn {}, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [/test2 <exception>], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true} {: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/type :eval, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/fn {}, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [#object[HTMLBodyElement [object HTMLBodyElement]] <exception>], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true} {: :, :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/origin #uuid "af9a7076-d898-4b7f-9acb-4aa19cbada54", :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/args [], :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/serializable true}], :hyperfiddle.electric/type :hyperfiddle.electric.debug/trace}}]
in case default branch
in (case 0 ...)
in reactive (defn Main nil ...) line 19
in (try ...)
client logged an exception, too 


think I found a minimal repro. seems you can't import watches

(ns app.teststate
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]))

#?(:clj (def !a (atom "a")))
(e/def a (e/server (e/watch !a)))


(ns app.test
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom :refer [div text]]
            #?(:cljs [app.teststate :refer [a]])))

(e/defn Test [] (e/client (div (text "a: " (pr-str a)))))


thanks for the report and minimized repro! The last snippet, you tried it in electric-fiddle?


I did not reproduce locally. Comparing the code you posted to what I typed, the #?(:cljs conditional on the require is likely the culprit. If a is an electric def the server needs to know that too


although adding that locally didn't repro either. Might be a stale tab too


i see, makes sense that both client and server need to know about the e/def. thanks for following up. as written (with the conditional) it seems to mess up EVERYTHING even outside of that ns. easy for a newbie like me to get confused

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confirmed that it works without the conditional

👍 1
Dustin Getz15:01:40

To summarize, we've learned that #?(:cljs ...) around a namespace that contains electric expressions that have server contents, causes a client/server mismatch under IC. Furthermore, the mismatch is not detected, is allowed to run and we see spooky undefined behavior due to the programs being out of sync. Correct?


Yes, great summary!


Thanks for the awesome talk at Clojure NYC yesterday! I learned a ton. Great to hear about the motivation behind differential.

🙂 1
😮 1
👀 1

Video or it didn't happen.

😆 4

the latter then

laughcry 2

I have a feeling a video'll turn up eventually. Looking forward to it :star-struck: