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I have a question. When we release our deployable projects, it could look something like this:

for each project p in all deployable projects that have changed since the last release
  build and deploy p
tag for release
In the documentation, we also say that we can tag each project separately:
for each project p in all deployable projects
  when changes since project p last released:
    build and deploy p
    tag for project p
When I think about it, I don't see the value of this second approach, but maybe I'm missing something here?


I don't see much benefit in the second approach either. And for the first approach, I would tag first and then build & deploy, because I typically use the tag itself as an artifact for the build, so all the projects we build have the tag inside them in some retrievable way (our web apps report their version via a specific "probe" URL, for example).

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