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Does Calva have any refactoring tools for things like changing the name of an alias in a namespace definition


Yes, clojure-lsp provides Calva with refactor-rename. Place the cursor on the alias or a symbol qualified by the alias. Press F2 .


Is there an option to change :refer :all to :as alias-name? and then change the calls?


I don’t think so. But someone in #CPABC1H61 might know better than I do.


There are shown some options in Quick Fixes but when you click on them the say command not found.


Can you give an example for “some options”?


Interesting. We may need to do something in Calva to provide that. I didn’t know it existed even (as I have already revealed).


Meanwhile: There might be a way to do it from the command line with clojure-lsp. Or from an editor that has the necessary glue, such as Emacs with clojure-lsp mode and I think also IntelliJ has a plugin for it these days.


Does anyone have issues with the repl output buffer not printing the full error message? is something I can fix with settings?

Bob B21:11:05

Do you have a repro with expected and actual outputs? Is calva truncating something that a CLI repl (or nREPL) isn't truncating?

Bob B21:11:14

a quick attempt at repro'ing this with a 4000-character error msg prints the whole thing:

(throw (ex-info (apply str (repeat 1000 "abc ")) {}))
this prints a whole lot of 'abc's



; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at schema.core/assert-schema (core.clj:33).
; Value does not satisfy schema
spacemace: the repl buffer is the same as above but another buffer opens
Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   Value does not satisfy schema
   {:error-value nil,
    :explanation {:namespace/key ["missing required key"]},
    :type :schema-validation-error}

Bob B21:11:16

Just to clarify, am I understanding that the 'REPL output window' is identical in both, but that spacemacs does an extra thing?


You can evaluate *e to get at the data there.


@U013JFLRFS8 I tried you example but modified the map

(throw (ex-info (apply str (repeat 1000 "abc ")) {:foo "bar"}))
and I got the error but the map doesn't come back.


It would be ideal to get that map back in the repl buffer because it usually has the helpful information


You can give yourself a keyboard shortcut to print the map at will.