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I think the term of monorepo, was coined by Google more then a decade ago, with their repo tool. But in google, and other enormous codebases using repo tool, nobody even dream to have entire monorepo on your machine. Plus there is not a one HEAD, but many, many heads. Here we kind of implicitly assume there is only one. So when many teams work on different components and slackness of one team leads to failing refreshes, extending REPL loading time of other team or worse. Have you considered providing ideas or guidance to split projects and support independent work of teams to not step each other toes?


Monorepo dates back two decades and was a way of unifying development across multiple teams so that they could work more efficiently together. Several large companies advocated its use -- and when, in certain companies, it scaled beyond a single machine's capacity, they created all sorts of "interesting" tooling to support its growth because they valued the benefits a monorepo brings. Polylith is a useful way to structure a monorepo that builds multiple applications from a bunch of shared "subprojects". The core premise of a monorepo is that teams work together across multiple "subprojects". If you have teams that don't work well together, you can either fix the teams, or revert to multiple repos and deal with all the coordination problems that adds. Either way, it's out of scope for Polylith, in my opinion.

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