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Kent Bull04:07:21

Following the Polylith guide precisely I end up with the following error when trying to build:

Unqualified function can't be resolved: uberjar
What does this mean?


Can you provide a bit more context? Link to the relevant part of the guide? The command you typed?

Kent Bull04:07:48

Yes, I was working on the section of the guide and I typed the command clojure -T:build uberjar :project command-line

Kent Bull04:07:27

I created what the Polylith guide recommended, the user component, the cli base, and the command-line project.

Kent Bull04:07:36

This was after I pulled the and put it into my project root. I did see that it is deprecated.


What's your :build alias in deps.edn?

Kent Bull04:07:03

It is

:build {:deps {io.github.seancorfield/build-clj {:git/tag "v0.5.2" :git/sha "8f75b81088b9809ec3cfc34e951036b3975007fd"
                                                             :ns-default build}}}

Kent Bull04:07:43

OMG, I just saw I am missing :paths ["build/resources"]

Kent Bull04:07:50

sorry, I’ll try that and see what happens.


And clojure -version ?

Kent Bull04:07:20

That is Clojure CLI version

👍 2
Kent Bull04:07:35

Looks like adding :paths ["build/resources"] didn’t have an effect for me.


Your :build alias is not correct


ns-default is at the wrong level

Kent Bull04:07:26

just saw that


(on my phone - hard to type fancy stuff)

Kent Bull04:07:59

Thanks for responding so late. Interestingly I now get an Execution error:

Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at build/eval230$loading (build.clj:1).
Could not locate clojure/tools/deps__init.class, clojure/tools/deps.clj or clojure/tools/deps.cljc on classpath.

Full report at:

Kent Bull04:07:15

maybe I didn’t install tools.deps correctly

Kent Bull04:07:53

Ok, updating to v0.9.2 and git sha 9c9f078602effe4df2b7b505003596ea1c5de436 did it for me. The Uberjar is built.

Kent Bull04:07:30

Complete :build alias is:

:build {:deps {io.github.seancorfield/build-clj {:git/tag "v0.9.2" :git/sha "9c9f078602effe4df2b7b505003596ea1c5de436"}}
                    :paths ["build/resources"]
                    :ns-default build}
and the :extra-deps entry is:
io.github.seancorfield/build-clj {:git/tag "v0.9.2" :git/sha "9c9f078602effe4df2b7b505003596ea1c5de436"}


Yeah, I was looking at the versions -- tools.deps used to be tools.deps.alpha so older deps would bring in the wrong ns


Why/where is build-clj in :extra-deps?


Oh, for Cursive use?

Kent Bull04:07:12

This message contains interactive elements.

Kent Bull04:07:15

yes for Cursive use

Kent Bull04:07:31

Mine is at

{:aliases  {:dev {:extra-paths ["."
                  :extra-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}
                               org.clojure/tools.deps {:mvn/version "0.18.1354"}
                               io.github.seancorfield/build-clj {:git/tag "v0.9.2" :git/sha "9c9f078602effe4df2b7b505003596ea1c5de436"}}}

Kent Bull04:07:46

Oh, I updated my tools.deps.alpha to a more recent version. That was my problem.

Kent Bull04:07:58

I changed from tools.deps.alpha to tools.deps.


Yup, as I noted above 🙂


The upcoming version of Cursive should involve less workarounds for Polylith.


(I have never used Cursive -- I can't stand IntelliJ! -- so I don't have to deal with any of these workarounds)

Kent Bull04:07:52

Ah, I see. I did see you using VSCode in your video that inspired me to use Polylith. I figured I’d give Cursive a try so I can see if I like it. If I could get a similar enough flow working in Emacs I’d switch back. VSCode looks like a great option as well.

Kent Bull04:07:09

Thanks again for the assistance tonight.


I love that VS Code is hackable via cljs and Joyride 🙂


(I'm an ex-Emacs person)

😆 2
Kent Bull04:07:16

Hard to catch up to all those Microsoft $$$


Glad you got things working... the Polylith guide needs some updates on those versions, it seems? I really want to get it all updated to not use my build-clj library at all but that's a bunch of work...

Kent Bull04:07:09

Yeah, I’m sure the guide would have worked perfectly as-is had I not manually updated the tools.deps.alpha to tools.deps . Updating to the latest versions there worked for me eventually.


I don't have edit permissions on the poly book, only the high-level Polylith book, but I've left comments about updating versions.

Kent Bull04:07:55

Great, where do I go to thumbs it up?


(Joakim will probably give me edit permissions and let me just fix it directly 🙂 )


I don't think comments are visible to folks without a GitBook account?


The downloaded build.clj seems to reference tools.deps, not the alpha version -- what are you referring to in "manually updated the tools.deps.alpha to tools.deps"?

Kent Bull04:07:10

I mean that I changed the ./deps.edn file that was auto generated by poly create workspace name:example top-ns:se.example branch:master :commit The generated project uses an outdated tools.deps.alpha dependency in the ./deps.edn file.


Oh... yeah, that dep has never been needed! No idea why the generated project even includes it.


What version of the poly tool are you using BTW?

Kent Bull04:07:46

0.2.17-alpha (2022-12-09)


(I use a :poly alias and always work from the latest master SHA version -- currently 0.2.18-issue309-05 (2023-06-20) right now)

Kent Bull04:07:32

That’s cool, do you just put the latest :sha argument in the :poly alias in ./deps.edn?


Yeah. I used to have it in my dot-clojure deps.edn file but I switched to the installed tools version ages ago (although I have not kept that up to date because I rarely use poly outside an existing Polylith project.


Our Polylith stuff in deps.edn at work:

:poly-test-jvm-opts ["--enable-preview"
  :poly {; for our development/logging operations:
         :jvm-opts [;; for poly itself:
                    ;; for the subprocess that poly test invokes:
         :extra-deps {io.github.polyfy/polylith
                      {#_#_:git/tag "v0.2.17-alpha" #_#_:git/sha "a1581cc"
                       ;; latest master with unnecessary dependency check:
                       :sha "1209a81e6b8f70987050d65d106e99d1a902969a"
                       :deps/root "projects/poly"}
                      {:git/tag "v0.2.0" :git/sha "f208856"
                       :deps/root "projects/runner"}}
         :main-opts ["-m" "polylith.clj.core.poly-cli.core"]}


And the start of our workspace.edn (which specifies the external test runner etc):

{:vcs {:name "git" :auto-add false}
 :top-namespace "ws"
 :interface-ns "interface"
 :default-profile-name "default"
 :compact-views #{"deps" "libs"}
 :tag-patterns {;; we tag each QA deployment with build-
                :release "build-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-*"
                :stable  "stable-*"}
 :test {:create-test-runner [org.corfield.external-test-runner.interface/create]}

Kent Bull04:07:03

That’s helpful. I’ll give it a deeper look tomorrow. I better bounce for tonight. My brain is turning off…

Kent Bull04:07:09

Thanks again!


This message contains interactive elements.


I get an Edit button on the Polylith book but not on the poly book.


Yup, got it now! Thanks!

👍 2

Hi, I have a question about a warning from polylith. The warning is:

Warning 206: Unreadable namespace in development: /[...]/development/src/data_readers.clj
The contents of that file:
{tap> user/tap*>}
This allows us to put #tap> basically anywhere in our source code to tap the outcome of the following form and return its return value. Super convenient 🙂 I don't quite understand what's causing the Polylith warning. Do you have any idea? Thanks!


For completeness, this is the user/tap*> definition:

(ns user)

(defn tap*>
  "Implementation of data reader `#tap>` that returns the
   value of what is being tapped, so that you can just put
   it in front of any sepxr.

   This is used as a data reader (see `data_readers.clj`),
   meaning that it is ran read-time. In other words, it is
   in fact a macro, even though it looks like a normal
  `(let [result# (do ~body)]
     (tap> result#)


Thanks @U2BDZ9JG3! Is this really the same problem though? I'm NOT having the non-top-namespace warning, but "unreadable namespace"...


This suggests some sort of parse error or something?


You can try ignoring that file:

{ ...
    {:alias "dev" 
     :ignore-files ["data_readers.clj"]}}



Yep that works, thank you!!


Hmm, I think if you add (ns data-readers) on top of your data_readers.clj file, you should not need to add the ignore-files .


When I do that I get clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Not a valid data-reader map when jacking in. But that's OK, ignoring it is fine for me.


I see. Maybe Polylith should not check anything with data_readers files. @U1G0HH87L


Sounds like the way to go Furkan! I will create an issue when I’m near a keyboard.

🙌 1

Issue 316 has been fixed and merged to master @UGNFXV1FA. Now you should be able to remove :ignore-files .

❤️ 1

Thanks for the heads-up, much appreciated!

👍 1

Something else: I just switched to the main branch of poly, and noticed some super-nice additions! 🎉 One of those is the ability to detect "unnecessary components" in projects. Great feature! I think I found an omission though. One of my poly projects needs a component dependency only for the test setup (as defined in workspace.edn using :setup-fn. Poly reports the component as unnecessary, but it's not. So maybe the omission is that it should also take the setup-fn namespaces into account?


You can list necessary components using the :necessary keyword and a vector with namespaces as value in :projects in workspace.edn, to get rid of that warning. I’m away from keyboard right now, but will give a better answer when back.


Type ’help check’ to read about how to get rid of that warning.


Thanks @U1G0HH87L That seems clear enough for me to fix it myself, no need for you to spend more time on this 👍 I’m AFK myself right now, I’ll try later.

👍 1