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Cursive now has support for Polylith workspaces!

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Full support I mean, including the :local/root syntax in development.


I have now verified this and it works great! You need to use IDEA 2023.2 EAP + Cursive 1.13.0-eap for things to work, and remember to check the Preferences | Languages &amp; Frameworks | Clojure | Project Specific Options | Resolve over whole project option in the settings. I verified it with these version: • IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2 EAP (Ultimate Edition) • Cursive 1.13.0-eap3-2023.2


If you are using Cursive 1.13.0, make sure to check "Resolve over whole project"

Damian Sinczak08:07:44

So yesterday I updated Cursive to:

Damian Sinczak08:07:55

And InteliJ to:

Damian Sinczak08:07:12

And my Polylith project stopped working

Damian Sinczak08:07:12

I get this error all the time

Damian Sinczak08:07:51

And deps view shows this:


You need to run it with IDEA 2023.2 EAP I think. Is that right @U0567Q30W ? At least that was what I had to do with the earlier Cursive EAP releases (e.g. cursive-1.13.0-eap8-2023.2).


No, it should work with any IntelliJ release, it doesn’t rely on any platform functionality that might have changed (AFAIK, at least).

👍 2

If you keep the old :extra-paths in ./deps.edn (instead of using the :local/root syntax) do you still get this error (my guess is not)? If you only use valid deps.edn syntax, then this could be a bug in Cursive. Is it possible for you @U0266FD54DV to create a tiny public repo that reproduces the problem?


After some discussion with Damian, it seems this is an issue with local paths in :override-deps. I think it’s related to


If you are using Cursive 1.13.0, make sure to check "Resolve over whole project"