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23:52:51.709 ERROR formiguinhas-service.parser - handler #error {
:cause Call to #'com.wsscode.pathom.connect/pick-resolver did not conform to spec.
when I try [{(:app/todo {:done? false}) ...}]
same with [({:app/todo ...} {:done? false})]
It's something with [:edn-query-language.core/join-query :edn-query-language.core/query :edn-query-language.core/query-expr :edn-query-language.core/property]
thanks man, I'm in a bit rush because of the conj this week, but if you can file an issue I can take a better look next week
there some thing really odd in pahtom instrumentation
(.toString xx)
Evaluation error (StackOverflowError) at java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch.match (
(.getMessage xx)
=> "Call to #'com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http/request did not conform to spec."
when we do (http/request (assoc ctx :url "abc123"))
with (stest/instrument)
, it check all keys in ctx
map and throws a really odd exception.
It may be a clojure-spec issue too.
I'm using
(stest/unstrument '[com.wsscode.pathom.connect/pick-resolver
the :url
needs to be namespaced to be valid to request