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Drew Verlee14:10:48

@lucasbradstreet: Any ideas on the job scheduler issue I ran into? Maybe it's because im using the docker toolbox for osx? This wasn't happening before when I tried to submit the basic job. Could something be missed cached? The only help I could find was @michaeldrogalis saying this would happen if you didn't start the peers first, which I believe I did.


@drewverlee Did you verify that the tenancy IDs matched up?

Drew Verlee14:10:18

@michaeldrogalis This isn’t the same issue about the dashboard, just in case thats what you thought i was asking about. The unexpected result here is this result when i start the peers then submit the job using the onyx template and the docker profile.

org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /onyx/1/job-scheduler/scheduler
    code: -101
    path: "/onyx/1/job-scheduler/scheduler"
As a result of starting the peer group and then submitting the basic job. docker-compose run --entrypoint=java peer "-cp" "opt/peer.jar" "res.core" "start-peers" "8" docker-compose run --entrypoint=java peer "-cp" "opt/peer.jar" "res.core" "submit-job" "heating-and-cooling-job" "-p" ":docker" I suppose i dont understand how to check of the tenancy ids match up. It looks like when i use the docker profile i should use the ONYX_ID env variable.
{:onyx/tenancy-id #profile {:default "1"
                             :docker #env ONYX_ID}

Which is 1…
  image: peerimage
    # Set your Onyx tenancy id, used to run multiple clusters on the same ZK ensemble
    ONYX_ID: 1
    # Number of Onyx peers (execution units) to run inside this container


First off, which version of Onyx are you on? Core, all plugins, and the dashboard.

Drew Verlee15:10:05

I was using onyxplatform/onyx 0.9.10 but i upgraded to 0.9.11.

:dependencies [[aero "1.0.0-beta2"]
                 [org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                 [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.5"]
                 [org.onyxplatform/onyx "0.9.11"]
                 [org.onyxplatform/lib-onyx ""]
                 [clj-time "0.12.0"]
                 [incanter "1.9.1"]
I’m not using the dashboard in the above example. When i was, it was 9.10, but i was also using onyxplatform/onyx 0.9.10


We moved the block you were seeing missing in ZooKeeper to a new spot in 0.9.11


Make sure you switch to a fresh tenancy ID and that everything is on the same version


It could be lib onyx causing it to drop down to 0.9.10. Can you try lein deps :tree to make sure?