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is there a way to pass through IQuery
and IQueryParams
? I'd like to write a higher-order-component to re-use some functionality
@tobiash you can write "pure" components without queries
not sure if it's what you're looking for
the ListView
in this example doesn't have a query, for example:
i want to refactor code that subscribes to events in componentDidMount
and then unsubscribes accordingly in componentWillUnmount
mh, ok instead of wrapping the "higher-order component" around my component, i could wrap my child components with it. But I think hoc is a nice pattern
it might be that I'm looking at these things too much from a React perspective, but I keep running into these issues: I have navigation bar that also displays some action buttons, depending on the current route. How do get the button presses to the current route? Currently I use a core.async channel, but that means that every route component has to subscribe/unsubscribe to it
maybe it would be nicer if the route component implemented some protocol to receive the events and then I would not need the sub/unsub boilerplate
I am trying to make server-side rendering in om,next, and have an exception creating the server reconciler, if someone has a clue:
@nha that's because stuff in the reconciler has circular references to it
yeah, with remove-method
and prefer-method
the problem is just about the printing
I am trying something like that right now: (prefer-method print-method clojure.lang.IRecord)
(does not work - never used prefer-method before)
(prefer-method print-method clojure.lang.IDeref)
does not throw, but then does not seem to change anything
So far I tried:
(prefer-method print-method clojure.lang.IRecord)
(prefer-method print-method clojure.lang.IDeref)
(prefer-method print-method rethinkdb.core.Connection clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)
(defmethod print-method [r writer]
(print-method {:config (:config r)
:state (:state r)} writer))
but none of these seem to workI've gotten that to work before, but I don't quite remember how
I remember also using remove-method
Ok that will be for another day.
How can I render-to-str a CompassusApplication.
(in clojure)?
@nha hrm, I don't think I've ever tried it 🙂
but you should be able to compassus.core/mount!
with a nil
then pass the return of that to render-to-str
@nha PR welcome adding a test for it, even if it works
the Compassus tests run in Clojure too
hmm it seems to throw (compassus/mount! app nil)
Unhandled java.lang.ClassCastException
clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap cannot be cast to
@nha the whole stacktrace would be more helpful
hrm weird
looks like either: 1) a problem with your parser function 2) a bug in Compassus 🙂
right, there are a few hurdles you may have to go through
in any case, I'm happy to know you're using Compassus!
Compassus is just a library around the union query approach
not much else there tbqh
Something like that:
(componentDidUpdate [this _ _]
"Sync state -> url"
(let [{:keys [current-route]} (om/props this)]
(when (not= current-route (url->route js/location.pathname))
(pushy/set-token! history (route->url current-route)))))
(componentDidMount [this]
"Sync url -> state"
(let [listener (pushy/pushy #(om/transact! this `[(route/update {:value ~%}) :route])
(pushy/start! listener)
(set! history listener)))
(componentWillUnmount [_]
(pushy/stop! history))
I made it work but now completely sure how now to be honest 😕@nha it's just a simplistic example
up to you to implement it if you want
there's actually no will-update
so PR welcome for that and did-update
re: om/next, i have multiple components (to be added via add-root!), all contending to read/mutate the same application state atom (and reading & updating the same keys therein). if I use the same reconciler for all components i seem to get errors like "no queries exist for XComponent", etc. is the correct thing to do to create separate reconciler for each component? that doesn't seem right, though. i want component X to modify, say, :some-data, and have Y update as necessary in response. i would think a singular reconciler would need to orchestrate that? what am i missing?
@atdixon No, one reconciler should work fine. You are probably not following the 3 golden rules of OmNext queries: 1. There must be at least one query key for every component (you can't just say "the parent and this child both use the :foo query endpoint"- Each component needs its own endpoints in the query tree) 2. The query for a parent must call om/get-query on all children to populate its own query 3. The render function in the parent must pass props to the children in exactly the same manner as described in the parent query.
In the past, when I was breaking these rules, I got the "no queries exist of XComponent" error.