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Does anyone know an example where you're receiving a list from some remote and need merge to handle normalization?


is there an equivalent pattern in om to higher order components or mixins? I guess I could write HOCs in om, but I'd have to pass through the static IQuery protocol methods?


I noticed that the :component key in the AST is the child component with the ident...I need to get the root component to be able to pass it to tree->db


@tobiash Not sure, but my first inclination would be to use component composition to solve this- It's notable that the obvious example in the documentation for HOC (heterogenous lists) does not use any polymorphism or HOC


Going through the docs, it's not clear to me what the purpose of having a :value key on the map returned from a mutation function. From the docs: > Mutations should return a map for :value. This map can contain two keys – :keys and/or :tempids. The :keys vector is a convenience that communicates what read operations should follow a mutation. So it's just for the developer? Or does om actually use it internally?