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@mudphone: i also noticed that things updated sometimes, maybe only the child that called transact!
will automatically have an updated read by default or something
anyway the docs are quite clear on what to expect: "The query expression should contain any keys which should be re-read following the mutations (e.g. :todos/list). These reads will schedule components which depend on the specified keys to re-render."
@sander: ah, excellent… I need to throughly read the docs… I’ve been looking at the wikis.
I believe the component that calls transact will implicitly have its query appended to the transaction as a read. I could be wrong as not very much in om next is implicit.
Doing Tony Kays nice om tutorial - I wonder if someone here has solved them and has the solutions available? I am kinda stuck..
@sllyq: C exercise 3 solution would be grand to have
haha, had no idea that was there 😅 thnx a bunch, will use that