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So I have this function:
(defn note [note-name]
(let [groups (->> (name note-name)
(re-matcher #"^([a-gA-g])([^\d]*)(\d+)$")
scale (read-string (last groups))
base (-> (first groups)
(- 145))
intonation (case (second groups)
("\uD834\uDD2A" "##") 2
("♯" "#") 1
("" "♮") 0
("♭" "b") -1
("\uD834\uDD2B" "bb") -2)]
(->Note (+ (* 12 scale)
Any comments on implementation or style are welcome, but I am mostly wondering about how to handle errors. Should I wrap it all in a try/catch and throw my own IllegalArgumentException explaining the expected format?And, while we are at it... Is clojure smart enough to reuse the Matcher generated by (re-matcher #"^([a-gA-g])([^\d]*)(\d+)$")
if I call the function multiple times, or should I move it out of the function so it get's called only once?
Is it possible to nest one shorthand anonymous function literal e.g. #(println %)
in another?
@kopasetik: if it's as easy as one param in the end, you can write things link (partial function) . For println you don't need an explicit function...
You can also nest (fn [] …)
inside #( … )
, which is what I tend to do when I hit a case where I would have liked to nest the #
'[(todos/add {:title ~title})]
I want to pass title as its value but I get (clojure.core.unquote title)
Am I doing something silly?(let [title "hello"]
`[(todos/add {:title ~title})])
=> [(todos/add {:title "hello"})]
see “syntax-quote” in:
oh, so the wrong type of quote?
alright, damn... Thanks!
Yup, was going well until started making queries and the quote tripped me 😄
Can't figure out how to pass parameters to a mutate query 😕 om/IQueryParams is ignored and can't pass parameters straight because of the tick (')
No not really, because a mutation query has to be used with the tick (') and as I understand it cannot be escaped?
with om/IQueryParams or straight?
for example, here’s one of my mutate
(defmulti mutate om/dispatch)
(defmethod mutate 'page/select
[{:keys [state] :as env} key {:keys [page] :as params}]
{:action (swap! state assoc-in [:page/current] page)})
Damn... Cursive gave me a cannot be resolved on my query when i switched '->` so I assumed it wouldn't work, but it actually works 😅
That's what I get for depending too much on Cursive. But thanks alot, it worked, finally!
I insert the double back quotes, then switch it off, then erase one, then switch it back on
My assumption with IQueryParams from the wiki at is that you have to dynamically update the query params with a call to om/set-query!
Looking at set-query! in the docs, it actually makes sense. It was just used in the tutorial for hardcoding parameters it seemed. A sort of local state for the component maybe.
also just thinking out loud