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@paulb there’s no specific reason for that in the tutorial other than to show something less trivial
I mean to say I was expecting that to eval to {:app/counter {:db/id 1 :app/title "Foo" :app/count 1}}
(vector becomes a map) but in fact it evals to {:app/counter [{:db/id 1 :app/title "Foo" :app/count 1}]}
(vector stays and map goes inside of it)
Good Morning. As It tried the om-datascript demo, leiningen didn’t find the om 0.9.0 snapshot. How can I build this by myself an integrate it into the project?
Hello @danielgrosse , you have to clone the Om repo
git clone
and then install it locally : lein install
@hmadelaine: Thank you, that worked. :thumbsup:
@danielgrosse: you are welcome ! Enjoy the tutorial
Just did it.
After going into the namespace, om wasn’t available. Only after I pasted the whole code into the REPL. Is this normal?
Did you clean your project after installation of the new jar ?
do you mean that om wasn't defined in the repl when you pasted the snippets in there?
there is an issue filed for that
When I install a new version of Om, I suppress the directory :
@dnolen: Great tutorial! I really like how your break it down to the level of creating individual files. Makes it clear exactly where the action is happening, particularly between om and figwheel. I also missed that you need to clone and install om locally, so it might be helpful to put that at the top of the docs. Thanks for sharing all your great work!
@monjohn: that last bit will happen eventually - need to do some kind of release first
@dnolen: How does nesting components work with regards to queries and props? I.e. are the parent and child components' queries totally independent? Do you have to pass (om/props this) down from the parent's render
function to the child's factory?
I've looked at the todomvc example but I can't quite figure out how it's meant to be done right.
So if I have e.g. a Header component that has a Title child, the om/IQuery implementation of Header would have to include the query of the Title component?
And you have to always extract what the child component needs as props from (om/props this) in the parent and pass it down?
most components should be completely stateless - i.e. they don’t have queries (which are a stateful feature)
generally a component should have a query only if it maps to some compound value - an entity that would reside in a service or in a DB
What if e.g. an App component has a Header component that has multiple Menu children, each rendering a list of links to objects in the DB? Which of these components would have queries?
@jannis: I think you're conflating components with UI elements. I'm viewing a component as where queries / state management takes place.
and inside the render method I create react elements / call functions which create react elements (passing in the state managed by the Om component)
an om component is not a react component
Not sure I am. If a component needs to render a list of objects, I would have assumed that to correspond to a query for those objects. Anyway, I think I'll wait a bit to see an example that's more complex than the two-level todomvc app. It sounds like I just don't get queries yet. 😉
@jannis: @spinningtopsofdoom points are right on as well
But the App component would need a query to extract objects from the application state to pass on to the header/menus, I assume?
That's my question exactly: how far (or not) to spread the query logic. I can see myself end up with a massive query for everything in the App component.