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re tests - it probably depends heavily on the kind of work your code does


if it's a fun game for your friends - sure you can skip tests 🙂


regardless of language or style :))


that being said - say if you had a company that deals with online payments for millions of people ... you want tests on every last corner of your code (in all the languages and toolings you use), including constant selenium tests on production to verify that everything, is, was and will be dandy.


you'll probably even want synthetic traffic in addition to real one and tests that constantly run around and verify that stuff still works and you'd notice before your clients do if something goes wrong 🙂


i have also noticed that bigger teams benefit from tests a lot .... if you work with 20 people on the same codebase - it's impossible to know everything, tests help to verify that you stick in reasonable tracks

👍 12

This is probably relevant here: "is Java still free?"


I saw that last week. Did you get much out of it other than "OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK long term releases are good if you want to avoid Oracle commercial license issues" ?


Maybe also: "If you want to avoid big surprises with the next long term release version, do at least internal testing with the other releases"


Well both points are the gist of it - and don't blindly download the Oracle binary 😃


truly unethical from oracle to not provide their commercially supported version of java to us for free


add sarcasm quotation marks where necessary


but without the sarcasm - just stick around the openjdk versions, both adoptopenjdk and ubuntu packages ship (possibly backported) updates along too


at these times we have to be thankful to microsoft that they keep up the pressure on java with their c# 🙂


otherwise oracle would pretty sure turn up the finance heat even more


I don't run any JVMs for profit, so do not know how expensive and/or valuable commercial support on a JVM is, but I suspect there are several companies using some OpenJDK flavor in production and making money from them. I wish anyone providing commercial support for JVMs all the money they can make from it.