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How many gigs of memory are there in the machine you use to develop?
4️⃣ - < 4Gb
6️⃣ - 6Gb
8️⃣ - 8Gb
🍕 ~ 12Gb
I consider 16GB the bare minimum for a DEV machine these days.
seancorfield: I start this "thread" because I'm using 8Gb and running out-of-memory sometimes.
Yeah, I’d expect so. I have 8GB in my laptop and 16GB in my desktop. I can barely run my full “work” stack on the desktop — I can’t run it on the laptop.
And I can remember when having 20MB in a laptop was considered huge… 😞
My main desktop has 8G and I'm ok with that. Emacs, terminal emulator and a couple of browsers is all I need 🙂
with emacs and a single project, should be ok. But I'm on intellij, datomic, figwheel/clojurescript jvm, repl jvm....
well, there are 2-3 clojure work projects + (sometimes) one personal, with their own repls
Well, I have to run MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, a search engine, 7 small-ish JVM-based servers, and 3 larger JVM-based servers -- that's my local mirror of our production system. Plus an editor and all the usual day-to-day comms software (email, Slack, Skype, etc).
I could run 6 of those small servers in a single JVM if I started them all manually rather than running individual JARs.
macs being macs, mine is 16GB, but it does have 500GB SSD - battery can easily go a day in use w/o recharge!
My two desktops (at home and in office/lab) have 32GB. These are Linux boxes. My home was originally 16, but was dirt cheap to up it to 32GB.
@U3JURM9B6 going to 128GB (maybe even 64GB) may be a bit tricky for desktop still. Servers (especially racks) going to 256GB is easy (though a bit of $$) and TB+ is definitely doable.
@U06C63VL4 : yeah, I'm looking at the dell r620 refurbished now
I’d be using twice as much RAM if work didn’t force me to use a mac laptop - honestly I’d be happier with a high powered linux machine or a desktop, if not both
profiling a big app in yourkit really teaches you what your limits are
Does anybody have a recommendation for static site generator? Clojure preferred.
kumarshantanu: if you can live with minimal docs Miraj builds static sites, with Polymer web components. the homepage is built with miraj, source is at
I haven't used cryogen, but it looks pretty mature for a jekyll clone:
@kumarshantanu I am going to give a try this weekend, seems a promising static site generator. It has GitHub pages support and also includes Klipse for live code examples.
I currently use which has worked well and has nice plugins, however I find challenging to debug if things go wrong
@jr0cket Thanks, debugging is why I’m preferring Clojure-based generator 🙂
Cryogen looks nice
I would be very interested in how you (or anyonr else) has got on with Cryogen. Thanks
i'm using it for
@kumarshantanu I’ve used both Cryogen and Stasis and would recommend both. Cryogen provides a lot more structure and support for you, but also has a few more constraints (like with url structure). If your needs fit in those constraints, I’d use Cryogen. Stasis does a lot less automatically but is way more customizable. is a Stasis site.
The Clojure web site itself is built with JBake. Different set of goals and constraints factored in there and I’d recommend JBake too.
i like cryogen because everyone that i want to contribute can use it with a simple lein ring server
. Lower the bar for contributions the more people who might be on the fence about contributing will is built with cryogen
Hmmm, that link stopped working...
Must investigate.
Thanks for the suggestions, @alexmiller @dpsutton @roberto @captainlexington @mobileink - much appreciated!
Also tried cryogen, worked decently at the time. In the process of moving to Perun currently.