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@seancorfield DIdn't know about it. I'll check it out! thanks.
When I write code, I try to imagine that whenever I read the code later, I want to have the feeling I read a book. The names have to make sense, they have to have the correct meaning and the have to follow a red line throughout the code. With this in mind, naming still is hard, but at least I have a measure afterwards.
This is why I recommend languages like APL / Forth. When you don't have variables, you don't have to name them.
qqq: ah, but you still have names, they're just more complicated. lambda and combinator expressions are names.
Hi Guys, I used nginx, but we can't use nginx plus (lot of money). What is the best option for a load balancing system? Eg if reach 80% of server process > wake up new or later shut down a server
qqq: ah, but you still have names, they're just more complicated. lambda and combinator expressions are names.
I think "leinengen" is one the best. It's unusual, so memorable and unlikely to be confused with anything else (branding), but it has a good backstory that ties it conceptually to what it does (eliminate Ant).
I actually resent the name. It’s very unintuitive … even for an english speaker .... making it hard to remember and type .... more confusing due to the multiple ‘e’ and ‘n’ s in the word
4th Rule: avoid unpronounceable strings. I hate company/product names that start with "X", especially when followed by a consonant - Xlomicity, Xmeckis, Xiomi, etc.
there are people who get paid lots of $ to come up with product names (which is really what a lib name is).
@mobilelink I'll confess to some bad naming policies when it comes to my cats. Not quite as bad as "Cat," but I have two named "little boy" and "little girl." In my defense, they were strays born in my yard that I did not intend to keep so I didn't want to give them names that might make me more attached to them. By the time it became clear that I would not be able to give them away the names had stuck.
I have two other cats, named "Mackerel" and "Orange Person." People tend to find the latter amusing, for some reason 😉.
@tagore: true story: my grandmother called my father "boy" and his sister "girl". kept things simple, i guess.
we have "booger" (she gets eye and nose and butt boogers all the time) and "chibi" (a japanese term of endearement.) but "you f***ing cat!" also works.
Ah- my cats have Japanese names for when they go to the vet. Little Boy is "Ben" (short for musashibou benkei) and mackerel is "yoshi" short for "minamoto no yoshitsune." Little girl is "Meg," short for Megumi, because it is a miracle she survived her kitten-hood. "Orange Person," on the other hand, is just "Orange Person."