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Jan K14:07:43

I don't understand what you mean by "redef the new read-only datasource state with the older state". Judging from the error you are using with-redefs wrong, you should drop the "constantly" call. Some of this might be helpful:


I have looked into that, but I can’t figure out how to swap my state with alternate implementation. I have these macros defined on the 2 datasources:

(defstate datasource
  :start (do (log/info "Starting DB connection pool")
             (hikari/make-datasource (:db config/config)))
  :stop (do (hikari/close-datasource datasource)
            (log/info "Closed DB connection pool")))

(defstate read-only-datasource
  :start (do (log/info "Starting read-only DB connection pool")
             (hikari/make-datasource (merge (:db config/config)
                                            (:read-only-db config/config))))
  :stop (do (hikari/close-datasource datasource)
            (log/info "Closed read-only DB connection pool")))

(defmacro with-transaction [[transaction] & body]
     [~transaction {:datasource datasource}]

(defmacro with-read-only-transaction [[transaction] & body]
     [~transaction {:datasource read-only-datasource}]
and I want to either replace the state within with-read-only-transaction to use the normal datasource in tests