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(I'm just studying missionary, this isn't pressing.)


tl;dr, I don't understand how cancellation propagates

Dustin Getz17:11:33

i dont think you should ever have to catch missionary.Cancelled, is that right Leo?

Dustin Getz17:11:43

you mean: today userland should never have to catch missionary.Cancelled, but in the future there may be a reason for userland to catch Cancelled?


no, I mean the opposite

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you have to care about Cancelled in ap today, but that's a bug

Dustin Getz17:11:03

under what circumstance exactly do we care


the continuation of ?< will throw Cancelled before switching

Dustin Getz17:11:30

today, m/?< ("switch") will cancel the old child branch, and let the terminal value (likely the exception) be seen by the parent, and then boot the new child branch

Dustin Getz17:11:12

the desired behavior is for the old child branch to be flushed for effect (resource disposal) but the terminal value is not seen, because the "switch" is effective immediately


we want to ignore everything produced by the previous branch after its cancellation

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Dustin Getz17:11:53

and this is justified by the idea that since a variable input has changed (causing the switch), seeing the terminal value is an inconsistency, as in a glitch?

Dustin Getz17:11:23

or is it simply justified by ergonomics, parent userland should not need a defensive try/catch everywhere

Dustin Getz17:11:48

(otherwsie the Cancellation would propagate too far and unwind the entire program, which is never correct the user's intent)


it feels wrong to have to catch Cancelled on switch because there is no real-world scenario requiring this

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there is also no good reason to delay the creation of the next branch due to a slow shutdown of the previous one

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Dustin Getz17:11:16

ah, under today's switch semantics the terminal value is required and awaited before we can switch

Dustin Getz17:11:21

I wanted to ask, why is this a discrete phenomenon only, but i remembered that m/cp didn't exist yet and when we worked out the semantics of m/cp is how we first understood how switch and cancellation should interact

Dustin Getz17:11:41

so m/cp was built with the right semantics in the first place, and updating m/ap was backlogged

Dustin Getz17:11:59

(the discrete phenomenon here being the idea of a delayed termination?)


first versions of cp actually were not immediate


the switches were slow due to network round trips

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Dustin Getz17:11:38

is it even possible for a continuous flow to have delayed termination?


sure, because you can derive a continuous flow from a discrete one

Dustin Getz17:11:45

ah, of course, the quickstart shows how to have a continous flow be cancelled but the response to the cancellation is not seen until (under the flow protocol) the flow notifies and then is consumed

Dustin Getz17:11:06

and under switch, we cancel and then stop listening, (though the machinery will consume the terminal value to drive resource cleanup)


> the continuation of ?< will throw Cancelled before switching I think that this means I should be doing something like this, but of course it is illegal because one Cannot recur across try


And for kicks I tried defining it as a continuous process (which is probably preferable anyway,) but modifying tempo still terminates the flow with Watch cancelled. (ignore this, I tested it incorrectly. Obviously cp isn't compatible with m/?<.)


cp is compatible with ?<


Sorry, misread the docstring :face_palm: one of those mornings


ah right, looks like it is amb that is incompatible with cp


this pattern is not correct because for each iteration of the loop another subscription to tempo will be created without cancelling the previous one


could you show an example of how this function is supposed to be used


Sure, one moment


Something like this:

;; Emit a keyword representing a midi event on each beat. If `tempo` increases, :kick-drum should emit more frequently.
(fn drum [tempo]
   (m/amb (do (m/?< (beats tempo 0))
Or perhaps the effect would happen in a reducer, not sure


(`:kick-drum` would more likely be e.g. a task that emits a midi note or something)


This pattern works. This is basically a discrete version of the with-cycle pattern, the cycle is needed to keep track of state through successive switches

(defn now [] (System/currentTimeMillis))

(defn variable-clock [<bpm]
    (try (let [state (atom [0 (now)])
               [i ts bpm] (m/?< (m/latest conj (m/watch state) <bpm))
               target (+ ts (int (* 1000 (/ 60 bpm))))]
           (m/? (m/sleep (- target (now))))
           (reset! state [(inc i) target]) i)
         (catch missionary.Cancelled _ (m/amb)))))


  (def !tempo (atom 120))

  (def ps
    ((->> (variable-clock (m/watch !tempo))
       (m/reduce (fn [_ i] (prn i)) nil))
     prn prn))

  (reset! !tempo 60)




Ah, cool! Thank you, will play with it.

telekid18:11:50 It prints midi notes at the given tempo and adjusts the length of notes proportionally. While this particular example isn't too hard to express imperatively (or in a traditional functional manner), more complex examples are tough to express and I can already see how missionary makes it a ton easier.

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My next goal is to figure out how to model notes as resources that I can hand over to the supervision tree to avoid "hanging notes," where a midi on event occurs without a matching midi off event.

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please share !

telekid19:11:43 (just in case you didn't catch the link in my prev msg.) Will follow up when (if? ha) I figure out note modeling

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Dustin Getz19:11:07

related reference - has a midi intro as well. heads up the PDF is unfinished, book version is the final draft


awesome, this has been on my reading list for a while


I've taken half a dozen stabs of "express a live composition as a partially realized stream" over the past few years but always found myself ensnared by resource allocation and cleanup


basically ending up with a tree of timers that are extremely hard to manage


sound familiar? ha

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