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Hi folks, I’m using reitit.ring.coercion/coerce-request-middleware with malli, what can I do to avoid losing keys that are not defined in my schema. For example. If I send this parameters

{:parameters {:body {:username "my-username"
                     :email ""
                     :phone }}}
and my schema is something like
(def MySchema
  (malli.core/schema [:map [:username :string]
                           [:email :string]]))
map schemas are open by default, but I’m not able to get the :phone parameter in my handler once it goes through the coerce-request-middleware unless I explicitly define it. I would like to be able to get any key that is not explicitly defined in my schema. What should I do?


Are the extra keys dropped altogether, or just not being converted to keywords? Can you (get body "phone")?


Depending on the answer to that, you might want to try something like:

(def MySchema
  (malli.core/schema [:and [:map [:username :string]
                            [:email :string]]
                           [:map-of :keyword :any]]))


@U055XFK8V nowadays, you can define the “extra keys” like Schema does:

  [:x :int]
  [:y :int]
  [::m/default [:map-of :int :int]]]
 {:x 1, :y 2, 1 1, 2 2})
; => true

👏 1

but, :map has also the :closed property: 1. [:map] - open by default (but reitit closes all maps for better web security) 2. [:map {:closed true}] - explicitly closed 3. [:map {:closed false}] - explicitly open … with reitit, I would: • if it’s just one schema, use the option 3 • if it’s all schemas, I would look for the malli coercion options, you can remove the “close by default” thing


@U055XFK8V the extra keys are dropped altogether.


Thanks @ikitommi will try those options.


@ikitommi Are there more details about these two options in

;; add/set default values
:default-values true
;; malli options
:options nil


For the record, setting :strip-extra-keys false and mu/open-schema worked like a charm! Thx


Hi @ikitommi You said “(but reitit closes all maps for better web security)“. What kind of risks are we facing if we open all schemas?

Ben Sless14:11:45

Storage, injection, denial attacks, are all risks you take on when you let any data into your system at large

gratitude-thank-you 1