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Noah Bogart18:02:34

I switch back and forth between clojure.test and kaocha when working at the repl. sometimes, if i first load the test suite with clojure and then try to run a given test file with kaocha later, it fails to load, throwing an error at testable/-load :kaocha.type/ns, saying

ERROR in all (load.clj:47)
Failed loading tests:
Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null
 at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get (
    clojure.lang.Namespace.find (
    clojure.core$find_ns.invokeStatic (core.clj:4131)
    clojure.core$the_ns.invokeStatic (core.clj:4161)
    clojure.core$ns_interns.invokeStatic (core.clj:4208)
    clojure.core$ns_interns.invoke (core.clj:4208)
    kaocha.type.ns$eval123123$fn__123124.invoke (ns.clj:37)

Noah Bogart18:02:08

is there a way to reset kaocha when it gets to this state without restarting the repl?

Noah Bogart18:02:32

is there a way to skip loading the whole namespace every time?


Not sure what's happening but this sounds fixable @UEENNMX0T . Any chance you can put together a minimal reproduction with steps?

Noah Bogart11:02:33

Next time I run into it, I’ll see if I can get something together