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Sahil Dhanju22:08:38

Hey all, I'm Sahil - a professional game developer who loves C++ metaprogramming, C# LINQ, and some Rust-y interior mutability. Over the past week I've become addicted to watching Rich's numerous talks where he tells me everything I thought was good is bad. I'm here to start my Clojure journey.

👋 25
lambda-prompt 2
🎉 2

As someone with a C++ background myself, I'll be interested to hear how you get on with Clojure!

🙌 2

Did someone say metaprogramming? Guessing you are here for the macros. Do you know Paul Graham's Common Lisp, but that has much the same macro system, so worth a read, if only the introduction. Welcome aboard. 🚢

Sahil Dhanju23:08:06

I have not heard of On Lisp, will take a look! Thanks for the suggestion