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Hello everyone blob-wave, I’m Amin, originally from Italy. I just started to learn the language after watching a presentation by Ritch Hickey. I hope to make great things with the language. Any suggestion on where to start? I come from a Java background and I have done some scheme in university.

👋 14
Colin (fosskers)13:07:50

You can also solve some simple problems with Clojure on

👍 2

A lot of people say Joy of Clojure is not a great book for beginners, unless they've had some Lisp or FP exposure. Getting Clojure is probably a better starting point, or perhaps Living Clojure. There's also the free online Clojure for the Brave and True (just ignore the Emacs chapter -- use whatever editor you're already comfortable with, if it has Clojure integration).. (that said, I learned Clojure via Joy of Clojure 1st ed -- but I had some Lisp/FP background already)

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Nathan Nolk18:07:44

I don't think this is going to be a very popular recommendation to a beginner but my first introduction to Clojure was "Programming Clojure" (the third edition) and I thought it was great, especially if you do some of the exercises on exercism and the like. 🙂

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