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Michael Ducharm13:12:41

hello everyone - I decided to learn Clojure via Advent of Code this year. I come from a C# & Typescript background, but have dabbled with F# and functional concepts in the past. Really enjoying it so far - the Calva vscode extension has come a long way since I tried it in the past too!

👋 9
clojure-spin 1
lambda-prompt 1

Happy to see you here, @U04DM557DMH! And cool to know you notice that we have been at work with #calva. I don't know if anyone could have missed it, but I've made a template for solving Advent of Code using only VS Code, no Java, no something else. Utilizing #joyride:

Michael Ducharm13:12:26

wow no Java? that would've made initial setup a bit easier haha - I'll have to give joyride a try


Haha, that's the idea. I'm planning to rewrite the getting started REPL to use this setup. I just need a good idea for how to guide people to then create their first project, with java and all the things. (Tbh, the current getting started experience lacks this already, but anyway.) Please give Joyride a try 🙏, there are two demo videos on that project page.