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How does re-render after transact! work, i.e. how does Fulcro know which components to refresh? Is it so that it simply looks at the this
component passed to transact!
and refreshes it? If I change data that is used by other components, how to tell it to refresh those?
What I have is this tree:
OffboardingPages - queries for [:global/offboarding '_]
- passes the `offboarding` as a computed prop to the router below it:
(ui-base-router router offboarding) -> target comp. BusinessInformationPage:
(defsc BusinessInformationPage [_ _ offboarding] ...
(ui-information info offboarding) -> (defsc Information [_ _ offboarding] ...
Inside Information:
(comp/transact! this [(mut/finalize-offboarding {:offboarding-id (:id offboarding)})])
Inside mut/finalize-offboarding:
(swap! state assoc-in [:offboarding/id offboarding-id :finalized?] true)
I see from the log that a render is scheduled and a transaction with ident of the Information
component is processed and the DB is updated as expected. However the BusinessInformationPage
is not re-rendered. How to fix?
Update: I have replaced (comp/transact! this ...
with (comp/transact! APP ...
but the B.I.P. component still does not re-render.Fulcro tracks the ident of the components and the data corresponding to those idents. What is the ident of Information
comp and does BusinessInformationPage
has ident?
They have both hardcoded idents,
:ident (fn [] [:component/id :information])}
:ident (fn [] [:component/id :company])
so the ident is not related to the data being updated (`[:offboarding/id offboarding-id]`) because there is ever only one "offboarding", for convenience a reference to it is stored under :global/offboarding
in the DB (where OffboardingPages reads it).@wilkerlucio Hi, why doesn't the latest Fulcro Inspect have the Elements tab it used to have anymore? I miss it 🙂
@U0CKQ19AQ do you know about this?
but maybe it should still show, so F2 users could still use it?
I can try to find some time and look into fixing it for F3, perhaps...
I have a mysterious problem with router props not being passed down after dr/change-route. I have this component that expects two props, :offboarding-pages/router, :global/offboarding
but only gets the latter:
(defsc OffboardingPages [_ {:offboarding-pages/keys [router], offboarding :global/offboarding}]
{:query [{[:global/offboarding '_] (comp/get-query OffboardingQuery)}
{:offboarding-pages/router (comp/get-query BaseRouter)}]
:ident (fn [] [:component/id :offboarding-pages])
:initial-state {:offboarding-pages/router {}}}
(println "OffboardingPages props:" props "router props:" router)
(ui-base-router router offboarding))
;; (def ui-base-router (comp/computed-factory BaseRouter))
;; (dr/defrouter BaseRouter [_ _] {:router-targets [...]})
When I first render the page, its works and the println above logs
> .. router props: {:com.fulcrologic.fulcro.routing.dynamic-routing/id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter, ...}
but if I then trigger dr/change-route
to go to the other target component of the BaseRouter, the router props are nil:
> router props: nil
(As I found out later - see the Updates below - in the first case we get ... :alt0 with all the props while in the second we get ... :current-route with only some props, namely missing the router prop.)
At this point, when I ask for db->tree
on the Root
component to see the actual data passed down the tree, I see the router data is there just fine (elided):
{:ui/routing-ready? true,
:global/offboarding [:offboarding/id "DUMMYID"],
:root/content {:root/router
{::dr/id :app.ui.root/OffboardingIdRouter,
[::uism/asm-id :app.ui.root/OffboardingIdRouter] {...},
::dr/current-route {},
:alt0 {:global/offboarding {:offboarding/id "DUMMYID", ...},
{::dr/id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter,
[::uism/asm-id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter]
{::uism/asm-id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter, ::uism/state-machine-id dr/RouterStateMachine, ::uism/active-state :routed,
::uism/ident->actor {[::dr/id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter] :router}, ::uism/actor->ident {:router [::dr/id :app.ui.root/BaseRouter]},
::uism/actor->component-name {:router :app.ui.root/BaseRouter}, ::uism/active-timers {},
::uism/local-storage {:path-segment ["default"], :target [:component/id :home]}},
::dr/current-route {...},
:alt0 {:info {}},
:alt1 {}}}}}}
1. I see in the Root component props that upon the initial render it has the BaseRouter props. But if I dr/change-route
to a different target of the BaseRouter then suddenly its props aren't there anymore. (This worked 1-2 days ago). But when I run (let [state (app/current-state SPA)] (denorm/db->tree (comp/get-query Root) state state))
then the data includes the BaseRouter data, even after it failed to show up in the UI?!!! So the data is there but somehow, when Fulcro fulfills the root query after the routing, it fails to get parts of it?!
2. A key difference between data from db->tree
and props of the Root component is that the former includes [:root/content :root/router ::dr/current-route] {}, [:root/content :root/router :alt0] {:global/offboarding ..., :offboarding-pages/router ...}
while the latter includes [:root/content :root/router ::dr/current-route] {:global/offboarding ...}
and no`[:root/content :root/router :alt0]`. I.e. the "correct" query has the data under :alt0 while the "wrong" query has them under ::dr/current-route, where it lacks the router data.
3. I am working on replicating the issue on a simpler app created from scratch and failing so far. (I have managed to replicate ::dr/current-route {} and :alt0 {:root/router {..}}
but don't know yet what those are after routing, only that the app works.)SOLVED: The problem was that I had :will-enter .. (if (data-present app) (dr/route-immediate [:component/id :WRONG]) (dr/route-deferred [:component/id :CORRECT] ..))
i.e. I have used the wrong ident in the if-data-present routing branch.
I wish I was better in troubleshooting this...
@U0522TWDA good news is, by figuring it out you’re getting better at troubleshooting this sort of thing naturally
Yeah, I am really good at making mistakes I can learn from 😂
but you are learning from the, that’s what matters
I have a question How hard it is to work with fulcro I'm new to clojure/script world I was going to use clojurescript for one of my projects and was looking for a way to use generated code for mobile app and also I wanted to have ssr because of the seo things The project is a e-commerce web In my searches I found fulcro and it seems really interesting So I just wanna know how long would it take to master these technologies in some level that can solve some simple problems As mentioned I wanna have a web app with ssr and be able to use codes to generate mobile app too I'm well experienced in JavaScript and react
There was a discussion about this fairly recently. Here's the link:
I'm following the getting started tutorial in the book and getting Exception in thread "async-dispatch-7" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Not supported: class
. Google search didn't find anything helpful
just wondered if I'm using a newer version of Java than suggested. I'll look into that
yes, it seems that's the case $ java -version
shows openjdk 11.0.5
I installed clojure via homebrew which installed openjdk version 13, and it appears to. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to point either clojure
to a my jdk8, or changing shadow-cljs to use a different clojure
@U0JPBB10W, yes. At the moment, I'm trying to figure out how to tell homebrew that I already have java installed, so that $ homebrew install clojure
doesn't try to install version 13
Here's the contents of the clojure bash script:
me@machine ~ % cat /usr/local/bin/clojure
JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME:-/usr/local/opt/openjdk}" exec "/usr/local/Cellar/clojure/" "$@"
It turns out that it is using the correct JDK, so I guess that's not the problem. And I'm still getting this error when I run $ npx shadow-cljs server
and then compile:
Exception in thread "async-dispatch-3" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Not supported: class .File
Here's the console messages and stacktrace
The solution was launched today:
Long story short, you may use Homebrew to uninstall Clojure and its automatic openjdk dependency, and re-install Clojure from the Clojure team’s new, official Homebrew tap. The Clojure team recommends using LTS Java releases (currently either 8 or 11).
(after reading the thread in detail, this may not be your issue…but hopefully relevant nonetheless)
Try to ask in #shadow-cljs Perhaps something is pulling in a too old/new version of a dependency conflicting with something shadow-cljs needs?
Thanks @U0522TWDA, I'll try that!
I installed clojure via homebrew which installed openjdk version 13, and it appears to. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to point either clojure
to a my jdk8, or changing shadow-cljs to use a different clojure
Here's the contents of the clojure bash script:
me@machine ~ % cat /usr/local/bin/clojure
JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME:-/usr/local/opt/openjdk}" exec "/usr/local/Cellar/clojure/" "$@"
It turns out that it is using the correct JDK, so I guess that's not the problem. And I'm still getting this error when I run $ npx shadow-cljs server
and then compile:
Exception in thread "async-dispatch-3" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Not supported: class .File
SOLVED: The problem was that I had :will-enter .. (if (data-present app) (dr/route-immediate [:component/id :WRONG]) (dr/route-deferred [:component/id :CORRECT] ..))
i.e. I have used the wrong ident in the if-data-present routing branch.
I wish I was better in troubleshooting this...