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I really like etaoin. Also, looks like I need to solve something which could be easily done with etaoin. The problem is, it's a Kotlin code base. Has anyone tried using it from Kotlin?


Hi @U26FJ5FDM! Etaoin is a thin Clojure wrapper around WebDrivers. You'd have to figure out how to call Clojure from Kotlin. My take: If you are using Kotlin, I'd suggest you look at using Selenium instead.


Thanks, that was already the suggestion from someone from the team. It's been ages since I've done something with Selenium, but likely it's improved. It's also just for filling in one form.


@U26FJ5FDM One other part of advice: if you're in Java/Kotlin-Land you might as well take a look at Playwright


Thanks for the suggestion, it seems like playright fits the use. Currently half way of a working solution.


I'm not sure how Selenium works nowadays, but the auto wait of Playright is very nice. I needed to click a button, and by default it's waiting till it's enabled.