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Hi folks, just wondering what it would take to support Main goal is to write webscrapers that can avoid triggering anti-bot mechanisms


Hi @UR37CBF8D, dunno, never heard of it! But if it is just a chromedriver drop-in replacement, might just-work? What have you tried?


Hey @UE21H2HHD, sorry for my poorly worded question, I’ve not tried anything yet. I guess the biggest challenge is that all the documentation/tutorials/etc seem to require python . I’ll see if I can find a way to convert it to an executable, and hopefully it’s just a matter of setting the driver path


No prob @UR37CBF8D, let us know if you find something that works for you. Admittedly I only glanced at them, but I didn't find the docs for undetected-chromedriver particularly clear. Not sure exactly what it does or why or how. Out of the box, etaoin Not sure if that helps you at all.


@UR37CBF8D A bit late but I've had some initial luck using etaoin undetected with he following settings:

    {:args         ["--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled"]
     :capabilities {:chromeOptions {:args            ["--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled"]
                                    :excludeSwitches ["enable-automation"]}}})
not sure if all those are necessary or doing anything, or if this is sufficiently undetected, but it seemed to let me do some stuff I couldn't before. Ultimately I ended up using the Chrome DevTools protocol instead of webdriver to control a "normal"/non-webdriver controlled browser (started with --remote-debugging-port=.... which seems to offer more capabilities than webdriver and might be worth checking out depending on what you're doing

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