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hi all šŸ™‚


I'm playing around with Spacemacs and having some issues, so few questions: - Do you run on master or develop? - Does anyone use just spacemacs-base? On master it includes some project switching/file finding stuff but in develop it seems more minimal? - Do you symlink your ~/.spacemacs file from another location? I've ran into problems with that I think so just wondering if that's something people do


I highly recommend running in develop


Master is really old, and has more issues in my experience


I don't symlink


And I never used spacemacs-base


Thanks, that's helpful to know šŸ™Œ


i recently switched to develop - i've had no issues


I run develop, very few issues major issues that aren't noted or talked about on #spacemacs


a) use develop it is ironically more stable. most of the time when things break, they break because of upstream issues - package author (who doesnā€™t use Spacemacs) would update something, that breaks it. Spacemacs devs are usually quick to patch it up so it works with the updated version Currently Spacemacs maintainers are trying to release next version, so more stable and polished update is coming to master soon. But right now Iā€™d suggest develop b) If you have never used Spacemacs before, I would recommend using default distro first, not base c) Spacemacs allows to have its config file in different locations (if thatā€™s why you are trying to symlink)

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@U0G75ARHC (et al) thanks for all the notes, I'll give it another try again later today


no problem. please feel free to ask questions thereā€™s #spacemacs here, thereā€™s also spacemacs gitter channel (which gets really crowded at times)


I also post Spacemacs and Emacs tips here people find them useful

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Although there will be a new release soon, all the bug fixes are available on develop much sooner. I've used develop for the last two years. I tried spacemacs-base on develop recently and its just too minimal. It was enlightening to see how many features of the full distribution I am using. I have a .spacemacs.d directory in the root of my home directory for additional files (snippets, layouts, etc)


I also have free book on how I use Spacemacs with Clojure, its work in progress, but has some useful configurations


Also, personally, I prefer to use Spacemacs in Holy mode and with Ivy instead of Helm. Ivy is much more responsive for me. And I found that Holy mode allows you to learn more about Emacs more so then Evil. Unless your appeal is VIM bindings. Spacemacs is also an awesome Holy Emacs config, which adds quite a lot of value.


@U05254DQM Also great job on that guide! I shared it with my team


@U0K064KQV thanks, I picked ivy the first time but it seems like that choice was removed the in develop?


@U050TNB9F add ivy as a layer entry in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers section of your .spacemacs and ivy will replace helm as the default completion framework. There are some variables you can configure on the Ivy layer in this readme


Thanks for all the tips, I think I might have arrived at something that works for me! šŸ™‚


The discoverability with SPC is really nice


i ended up with holy-mode and alt-SPC for the menu


@U0524B4UW not the wisest choice since M-SPC is important binding that reveals some nice transients, e.g. it works in any Helm buffer (I think Ivy has the similar thing), in Org-agenda it opens enormously helpful one.


@U0G75ARHC Those can also be opened with S M Spc


So I think it's actually a pretty good choice. Even though I personally stick to the default M m binding and just got used to it.


ah, okay then. Iā€™m trying to think other places where M-SPC|`S-M-SPC` works in Spacemacs


I think because Gnome default to using M SPC, most of Emacs and Spacemacs bindings have avoided using that binding. And I'm pretty sure that's why Spacemacs also binds S M SPC for things that use M SPC


but do you know any other things besides org-agenda and helm/ivy buffers where that binding is used?


Nope, those were the only two and I learned it from your Twitter šŸ˜‹šŸ‘


I'm guessing maybe when the ? is needed to be typed. Then the transient states goes to M Spc ?


Most other layers have ? bound to the transient state


It's weird though, because I've seen ? used a lot more


Or . as well


I symlink --- I keep my dotfiles in one system directory and symlink them to where they need to be. It is not perfect, because I'm sometimes unclear on what wants to be symlinked in $HOME vs in $HOME/.config or whatever


i haven't had any problems, once I twiddled my .spacemacs (rather, my spacemacs.symlink) to get version control to follow symlinks


there's also a #spacemacs channel if no responses here

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I gave up on spacemacs due to frequent breakage


Most of the time when things break, they break due to upstream issues - someone (who unaware of Spacemacs) updates their package, the contract gets broken. Or, spacemacs maintainers update the way how it works with a third-party package (because it was updated), that requires package to be updated on your machine, but you have no clue. You canā€™t simply have over 300 packages with bunch of strings attached to them and hope that theyā€™d ā€œplay nicely with each otherā€. One thing I learned early on - you need to be able to triage whatā€™s breaking and decide if you need that thing, if not - then simply remove it from your system. If you need it - then find a workaround and create an issue, most of the time thereā€™s already an issue on github and someone would post a workaround. In my experience (Iā€™ve been using Spacemacs for a few years now) it let me down only handful of times and it took me no longer than 10-20 minutes to figure out a workaround

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I use spacemacs in holy mode at work and my own .emacs.d/init.el at home. I enjoy the consistency and discover-ability of the keymapping in spacemacs, but find that I disagree with some of the layer choices they've made. Additionally, hiding the configuration behind layers and the hoops I need to jump through for customizing my environment drove me to rolling my own config. Generally, I track the current tagged versions of spacemacs rather than following develop.


> I disagree with some of the layer choices theyā€™ve made then roll your own layers. It is not as hard as it looks. You can even make layers based on ā€œofficialā€ layers. e.g. :


always a possibility


Plus, there's value in knowing each of the components you've added to your emacs setup. Certainly, spacemacs pioneered packaging a consistent, curated experience for users, and I encourage it for first-time users of Emacs, especially those coming from Vi.


I've been running with my own emacs config for a while and it's alright but also I don't understand a lot of it and wanted to try something I could maybe use myself and/or recommend to friends who are considering emacs for some stuff


I think spacemacs is great. Though it can keep you in the dark as to how emacs works. I have my own config I use at home and hope to migrate it to work once I have the javascript/reacy portion down fully. I use spacemacs at work but slowly note what I need from it and bring it to my config


> Though it can keep you in the dark as to how emacs works YMMV. I have had used Emacs for two years having numerous attempts to build my own config (I am die-hard Vimmer). Then Iā€™ve discovered Spacemacs. In a few months using Spacemacs I learned more about Emacs than I did before. Spacemacs implements some nice ideas, IMO every self-respected emacsen should at least try it.


The big hurdle in learning Emacs is discoverability - you just need to know whatā€™s available there. Once you learn you can do something using a package X, you can then learn more about it and improve your workflow. But if you donā€™t know thatā€™s even possible you simply unaware thereā€™s more efficient way of doing something. Spacemacs makes it easy to find things and ways around Emacs


Well, you can achieve the same with a curated list of the top 50-something packages in Emacs as well. šŸ™‚


But it is hard to develop an educated opinion if you are a newbie and you have to start with ingredients. But if someone hands you a recipe book that may make things easier. And who knows, maybe youā€™d like some of those recipes in that book, even though it is hard to imagine anyone would like all of them