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For those interested in giving Evil a try without Spacemacs … take a look at my dotfiles 😉
Hmmm. Just updated to latest CIDER 0.10 snapshot and now I'm getting
Symbol's function definition is void: clojure-project-dir
when I try to jack-in from within a project's root directory (say, have project.clj or a source file open)The first paragraph on its page makes some bold claims about how it supersedes paredit and a few others.
does anyone in here use an atreus with emacs? i’m just getting going with this little guy
finding the C-n C-p (and esp. the paredit cousins) quite uncomfortable, wondering what other bindings people have come up with
and heard that smartparens is easier to rebind, so sort’ve joining @sdegutis query path
@crisptrutski: I used to, I bought the first pre-assembled atreus, but it broke and I don't know how to fix it
i’m sure you could send him pictures and he’d give you good instructions to fix
I think it's just a circuit needs resoldering but I ain't got no time to figure that stuff out.
this was my first time soldering, found it really relaxing 🌴
although guessing it’s less fun without a pcb
I got into bookbinding instead but don't tell phil cuz I gonna make him a secret book as a thanks for this atreus
did you use it with emacs though? find hovering on “n” and “p” really painful (maybe i shouldn’t hover when in “navigation mode” though)
maybe i need to lose my vim ticks or just swallow evil
i had 1 bad diode on mine, took 2s to fix
makes me really really sad every time i remember about it. i should probably avoid channels that could remind me of atreuses.
wow, that escalated quickly 🏃
anyone know how I can just make it slurp/barf on M-right/M-left? That's really 99% of what I need it for