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Ahmed Hassan18:08:11

When I change .sql files in Hugsql in duct and run (reset), changes are not projected in the project.

Ahmed Hassan18:08:55

Are sql files when changed reloaded to system, by using (reset)?


Not automatically. Duct has no inherent connection to Hugsql, so they’d have to be refreshed by whatever Hugsql component you’re using.

👍 4

Or in your dev script.

👍 4
Ahmed Hassan19:08:03

(hugsql/def-db-fns "myapp/db/sql/my_sql_statements.sql") this is function included in boundary namespace in which duct.database.sql.Boundary is implemented.

Ahmed Hassan19:08:19

should I wrap hugsql/def-db-fns in ig/init-key multi-method and pass "myapp/db/sql/my_sql_statements.sql" to it inside config.edn?


If you only care about refreshing the DB functions during development, you should probably write a development function for that, and hook it into a custom resetfunction.

Ahmed Hassan19:08:24

Like a function to reload namespaces in which (hugsql/def-db-fns "myapp/db/sql/my_sql_statements.sql") sort of statements are defined? But how would such a function know which .sql files have changed.


You’d probably want to check the timestamps of the files and compare them to the timestamps you checked last time.

👍 4
Ahmed Hassan19:08:28

Brilliant, so I'll also have to keep track of .clj namespaces in which "myapp/db/sql/my_sql_statements.sql" is referred?


Yes. You might want to add metadata to the namespaces. There might even be a project out there that does this already. You’ll need to research and experiment 🙂

👍 4
Ahmed Hassan19:08:11

Thanks for directions, that would make workflow reloaded++ 🙂

Ahmed Hassan19:08:08

I can watch .sql files with And dispatch some function on file change.

Ahmed Hassan19:08:39

What would that function be like, which would notify duct/integrant that respective namespace to the changed .sql file need to be reloaded?


Ideally you wouldn’t complect the ideas of file watching and reloading. You’d write a function that would reload the SQL files if any were changed since last it was run.

👍 4

is there syntax for duct.module/ataraxy handlers to do async? I see but I'm confused how I would declare my async handler in my config


You return handlers that take three arguments instead of one, and set the :async? argument on the Jetty adapter to true.