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Per @stuarthalloway’s advice, Ive prepended a hash of the html content we store in the db to assist indexing. In order to clear up the non-hashed older versions of each page. I’ve done a (d/transact (conn) [{:db/excise :pages/content :db.excise/before (instant (time/minus (now) (time/days 1)))}])
which I think should clear anything saved before yesterday. The command does start a lot of work in datomic, but after about 2 minutes it hits a Critical failure saying the index retry limit is reached. No amount of restarting mysql or datomic, or the app for the matter can break this cycle. The system boots, then craters after 2 minutes.
And while we’re on excision. The tx above also kills the latest value if its not saved before yesterday - Is there a way to kill all but the last tx?
@laujensen Excision shouldn’t be used to remove large amounts of data. it is a very expensive operation and can result in the situation you found where the indexing job is too large to complete
So how do I go about my history @marshall ? We’ve talking 5000+ pages that need some help
you can either: 1) run multiple smaller excision jobs, waiting for each to complete before starting the next 2) create a new database and “decant” the data from the current DB into it, filtering out the things you want to remove
you will see a metrics report in the logs (and cloudwatch metrics) that includes :CreateEntireIndexMsec when the job has completed
I’m interested in testing a couple small datomic queries in unit tests. I realize I could spin up an in-memory db but I think there’s a way to use a plain Clojure data structure as the db, is that true? What shape would it need to have so that something like the q
and transact
functions would work with it (treat it as a real database)?
Transact won't work with anything else than a Datomic connection.
Alright, that’s too bad, it means I’d have to build the db by hand and wouldn’t be able to test anything that involves the transact
function. How about the q
function - would it work with a plain data structure?
@U8ZA3QZTJ what advantages do you see in not using an in-memory db for unit testing ?
If you’re looking to isolate your transactions against a DB during unit tests, is work fairly well
The rationale would be to minimize the amount of code that the test interacts with. I’m not completely against using in-memory databases in unit tests, but I was hoping I could even avoid that! Thanks, both of you
For Datalog querying, you could just use a vector of tuples, but you will have less confidence that the query behaves the same as against a real db.
@marshall - Ive just tried running a backup-db on one of our shards to import it locally using restore-db, but on import I see that several transactions arent carried over. They are visible on the live system, but not locally. And they’re about 1 day old. What causes this?
did you restore into a clean (empty) storage? restoring on top of an existing DB that has diverged from the original source isn’t supported
does anyone have any experience running aws lambda with clojure connecting to datomic-cloud? any gotchas (like uberjar size, startup time, ...) that I can avoid running into?
when i'm following the Getting Started guide, i'm seeing the following error when trying to create a database
(d/create-database client {:db-name "movies"})
ExceptionInfo Forbidden to read keyfile at s3://...
that’s an issue with your aws creds
the normal ways - ~/.aws/credentials, AWS_ACCESS…
hmm that's still not working. is the client using the order of the aws java sdk for credentials?
ok, it seems like I'm running into this issue
delegation of credentials to a root profile doesn't work the same way in the java sdk and the cli 🙂
@marshall: I’ve tried partitioning the excisions into chunks of 100 entities. The indexing service has been running for 30+ minutes now with half-load on a quadcore system on just the first chunk. Is that to be expected? If so, I guess there’s no way around putting a heavy load on the live system until all 5000 pages have had their history removed?
Yes, excision is very expensive. It can require re-writing major portions of the index
Hi, just to check is datomic rest the only way to connect to datomic from another language?
@folcon At present, yes. We provide Clojure and Java versions of the Peer library and a Clojure Client library. We intend to publicize the client wire protocol in the future to allow other language clients (see:
@marshall Thanks, if you wouldn’t mind me asking, I have two questions. 1) Is there anyway to secure datomic rest other than sitting a nginx with basic auth in front of it? I’ve successfully managed to deploy it and it’s working and now need to work out at least a basic level of security. 2) How would I go about writing a subquery then? I’m trying to ensure that all queries to the system respect some level of auth, so I want to ensure that each user only looks at a database which contains their datoms. My understanding is that this is possible by first querying what a user can see, and then passing on the user query to the resulting database. I’m just unsure how to specify that to datomic rest.
I am aware it’s been deprecated for some time, I’m just wondering if there exists anything for this? I’m basically bumbling my way with these unfortunately :)… And unfortunately the client api’s don’t seem targeted to what I’m doing at the moment. I can’t access them from clojurescript as far as I can see, and running yet another server just to act as a clojure proxy to talk to datomic seems a little extreme?
but nginx has a lot features and is highly configurable, maybe you can use something like openresty
@folcon “running another server just to act as a clojure proxy” is exactly what the REST service is. It is a Datomic Peer that consumes HTTP calls and executes them against Datomic
If you want native access from your language of interest and are already on the Peer model, I’d suggest writing a Peer-based system that consumes whatever it is your application uses (http/tcp/other) and do it that way
That’s a valid point, however for the moment the rest service does meet most of my needs. Is my understanding of my second question correct or should I be trying something different? I’m having a fair bit of difficulty finding information about what is the best way of querying against a subset of the datoms in the database.
you can use filters ( to restrict what a given query can “see”
I might be doing this completely wrong, but trying to reproduce the filtering technique is giving me odd results: q*:
[:find ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db
:in $plain ?filterfn
:where [(datomic.api/filter $plain ?filterfn) ?f_db]
[(datomic.api/entity ?f_db ?e) ?ent] [$plain ?e :db/doc ?doc]]
[{:db/alias "sql/test"} (fn [_ datom] (< 20 (.e datom)))]
As a sanity test, I’m trying to see if I can filter all the :db/doc strings that have an entity id lower than 20.
Which is still giving me results such as:
?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db
8 {:db/id 8} "System-assigned attribute set to true for transactions not fully incorporated into the index" datomic.db.Db@de24db77
I’m probably constructing this query completely wrong.Ok, so from what I can tell, the query language cares what the names of the variables are, and you can’t define a database and reuse it as you’ll have a var that starts with a ?
not a $
java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__355 ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db), message: processing clause: [?f_db ?e :db/doc ?doc], message: :db.error/invalid-data-source Nil or missing data source. Did you forget to pass a database argument?
'[:find ?e ?doc
:in $
[?e :db/doc ?doc]]
(d/filter (d/db conn) (fn [_ datom] (< 20 (.e datom)))))
i’m not sure if/how you’d do the filter inside the query body and then also bind it to a datasource
So wait, do I need to make two queries to the rest api? I’m trying to understand how to translate that query, my two args that I can use are the q*
and args
. Args needs to be at least [{:db/alias "sql/test"}]
from what I understand and as far as I can work out I can’t pass a filtered db as I have no idea how to reference it…
I suspect you may not be able to pass an arbitrary filtered database to the rest API
@marshall regarding the issue above on AWS credentials, we are using IAM role assumption to access different aws accounts for dev, staging, prod. In order to make this work, you need to add a dependency [com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-sts "1.11.210"]
. Not sure if you want to add this to the datomic client library or mention it in the documentation, but debugging the problem was a bit annoying since d/create-database swallows the original error of the aws sdk
(.getCredentials (com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider.))
ClassNotFoundException (
some more info:
@lockdown- you seem to be assuming it’s not - any reason why?
I haven’t tried it, but one problem that arises in several places right now is due to the removal of javax.xml.bind from the default classpath. Using --add-modules java.xml.bind
on the jvm will add it back in.
@stijn Thanks for the heads up - I will see if I can find a place in the docs where that would fit well
@alexmiller correct, adding java.xml.bind fixes it, was curious if anything greater than java 8 was discouraged by datomic devs.
that was just a guess, would be curious if it’s a datomic lib dep or something else that you’re running into
the datomic client eats the stacktrace I think but per your clj -J-verbose:class advice it might be the aws sdk version but not sure, didn't dig more
probably a good thing for @marshall to know if he doesn’t already
@marshall I have got the filtered db in the query though and I can inspect it:
[:find ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs :in $plain ?filterfn :where [(datomic.api/filter $plain ?filterfn) ?f_db] [(keys ?f_db) ?prs] [(datomic.api/entity ?f_db ?e) ?ent] [$plain ?e :db/doc ?doc]]
(:id :memidx :indexing :mid-index :index :history :memlog :basisT :nextT :indexBasisT :indexingNextT :elements :keys :ids :index-root-id :index-rev :asOfT :sinceT :raw :filt)
the :filt
(fn [_ datom] (< 20 (.v datom)))
so this is clearly the filtered database. I just don’t know how to query against it.I’ve been trying to pass a string query, as the api states that’s possible:
[:find ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs :in $plain ?filterfn :where [(datomic.api/filter $plain ?filterfn) ?f_db] [(:filt ?f_db) ?prs] [(datomic.api/q "[:find ?e :where [?e :db/doc _]]" ?f_db) ?ent] [$plain ?e :db/doc ?doc]]
but it’s erroring:
java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1170 ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs), message: processing clause: {:argvars (?f_db), :fn #object[datomic.extensions$eval1162$fn__1163 0x1b0f3213 "datomic.extensions$eval1162$fn__1163@1b0f3213"], :clause [(datomic.api/q "[:find ?e :where [?e :db/doc _]]" ?f_db) ?ent], :binds [?ent], :bind-type :scalar, :needs-source false}, message: java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1171 ?e), message: processing clause: [?e :db/doc _], message: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
@lockdown- no, i meant it was useful for me to know. No reason not to use 9 or 10 if that fix works
@marshall That’s what I’ve been trying to do here ->, but it doesn’t seem to be working?
[:find ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs ?filtecount
:in $plain ?filterfn
:where [(datomic.api/filter $plain ?filterfn) ?f_db]
[(keys ?f_db) ?prs] [(datomic.api/entity ?f_db ?e) ?ent]
[$plain ?e :db/doc ?doc]
[(datomic.api/q '[:find (count ?ents)
:where [?ents :db/doc]]
?f_db) [[?filtecount]]]]
@marshall Funnily enough: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: ' in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0:0)
manually calling quote
instead of '
java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1315 ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs ?filtecount), message: processing clause: {:argvars (?f_db), :fn #object[datomic.extensions$eval1307$fn__1308 0x1f4747dd "datomic.extensions$eval1307$fn__1308@1f4747dd"], :clause [(datomic.api/q (quote [:find (count ?ents) :where [?ents :db/doc]]) ?f_db) [[?filtecount]]], :binds [?filtecount], :bind-type :rel, :needs-source false}, message: java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1316 ?ents), message: processing clause: [?ents :db/doc], message: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
The string variant doesn’t do much better
[:find ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs ?filtecount
:in $plain ?filterfn
:where [(datomic.api/filter $plain ?filterfn) ?f_db]
[(keys ?f_db) ?prs] [(datomic.api/entity ?f_db ?e) ?ent]
[$plain ?e :db/doc ?doc]
[(datomic.api/q "[:find (count ?ents)
:where [?ents :db/doc]]"
?f_db) [[?filtecount]]]]
java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1277 ?e ?ent ?doc ?f_db ?prs ?filtecount), message: processing clause: {:argvars (?f_db), :fn #object[datomic.extensions$eval1269$fn__1270 0x6f32c7f9 "datomic.extensions$eval1269$fn__1270@6f32c7f9"], :clause [(datomic.api/q "[:find (count ?ents)\r\n :where [?ents :db/doc]]" ?f_db) [[?filtecount]]], :binds [?filtecount], :bind-type :rel, :needs-source false}, message: java.lang.Exception: processing rule: (q__1278 ?ents), message: processing clause: [?ents :db/doc], message: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
'[:find ?filtecount
:in $ ?filterfn
:where [(datomic.api/filter $ ?filterfn) ?f_db]
[(datomic.api/q '[:find ?ents
:where [?ents :db/doc]]
?f_db) [[?filtecount]]]]
(d/db conn) (fn [_ datom] (< 20 (.e datom))))
more interesting with correct name:
'[:find ?filtecount
:in $ ?filterfn
:where [(datomic.api/filter $ ?filterfn) ?f_db]
[(datomic.api/q '[:find (count ?ents)
:where [?ents :db/doc]]
?f_db) [[?filtecount]]]]
(d/db conn) (fn [_ datom] (< 20 (.e datom))))
So the reader can’t deal with the single quote at all, so I’ve been replacing the query with the string version or manually calling the quote
function, however there’s a relatively consistent issue of message: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
in both cases.