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Michael Fiano06:03:53 there a plugin that provides function signature as you type, so you can know the parameters something expects?


Async clj omni, with deoplete, and with preview in completeopt on (default, I think). @mfiano

Michael Fiano07:03:17

@dominicm Yes I am using that, however as soon as I type a space after the operator it goes away and I am forced to remember all the arguments


@mfiano that's not the default behaviour of preview. Generally, you have to do something special to make that happen. PClose I think is the aucmd.

Michael Fiano07:03:53

I come from emacs where the signature stays on the bottom of the screen, even for multiple arity functions


Unless deoplete does that automatically, which would really annoy me.

Michael Fiano07:03:46

I'm not sure what you mean


@mfiano just to be clear, which bits of what I described are you doing? I'm on mobile so can't type what I mean.

Michael Fiano07:03:13

Oh I forgot, I'm not using deoplete, but nvim-completion-manager. I was confusing it with denite

Michael Fiano07:03:05

Then i type space and it all goes away


NCM doesn't support preview normally because reasons. If you go into :help there's an option for ncm which you can set to modify the completeopt.


Right, preview otwns at the top

Michael Fiano07:03:24

I do have preview in completeopts

Michael Fiano07:03:15

I searched ncm help for 'preview' and didn't find anything

Michael Fiano07:03:05

Ok I set g:cm_completeopt to have preview too, and it resizes my existing windows to make a large preview window...and it never goes away

Michael Fiano07:03:12

That is horrible 🙂


You could bind pclose to something I guess. I don't know of anything like eldoc for vim, but it may exist.


@mfiano let me know if echodoc works, it looks pretty cool :)


The highlighting part is awesome :o

Michael Fiano08:03:24

At least not with NCM


It will need to be enabled, if you haven't done that.



Michael Fiano08:03:30

Not an editor command

Michael Fiano08:03:31's installed but I don't have that command


I probably got it wrong a bit, maybe capital D

Michael Fiano08:03:22

Ok it's enabled but I see nothing


It might need to be enabled per file type, it's probably buried in the docs

Michael Fiano08:03:44

Or it only works with his specific completion plugin

Michael Fiano08:03:42

Interestingly, it doesn't even work with deoplete


I don't think so, it uses a standard vim thing.


Did you set cmdheight or noshowcmd?

Michael Fiano08:03:12

Yeah, I tried both


I think this is your only path. I'm gonna try this out later I think. Seems pretty cool.


@mfiano trying it from the train station, I'm getting "No pattern found", same for you?

Michael Fiano09:03:19

No I don't get that


Sorry, that's "Pattern not found"

Michael Fiano09:03:38

I don't get any output


I think I just need to write a custom thingy for it


ah, I get pattern not found always 🙂

Michael Fiano09:03:43

@dominicm Do you use fireplace?

Michael Fiano09:03:12

How do I remap that hard to type goto definition binding of [-C-d


--- after/ftplugin/clojure.vim
nmap <buffer> gs <Plug>FireplaceDjump
nmap <buffer> gvs <Plug>FireplaceDsplit
^^ in the named file

Michael Fiano09:03:24

Is there a command to jump back or do i have to use C-o?

Michael Fiano09:03:22 it

Michael Fiano09:03:23

My vim config is pretty huge. I'm gonna end up spending all day configuring Clojure

Michael Fiano09:03:11

I'm sick of Emacs...been using it for years, but not as long as Vim which isn't slow on some of my older hardware

Michael Fiano09:03:35

@dominicm Is your vim/clojure config online by any chance?


It is, yeah SevereOverfl0w/.files on github

Michael Fiano09:03:48

I just found it 🙂


It's a little bit out of date I'm afraid, but generally holds

Michael Fiano09:03:43

You seem to have some Spacemacs-like layer setup. Interesting


I did, yeah. I wanted my plugins and respective config nearby

Michael Fiano09:03:56

@dominicm Nice config. You still using ncm?


I am yep :)

Michael Fiano09:03:51

I have one problem with it I'm not sure how to solve

Michael Fiano09:03:56

sec let me remember

Michael Fiano09:03:21

I guess it relates to using tab as my candidate selection key. doing so prevents me from being able to tab to indent


FWIW, it's not to everyone's taste but I hook into the CompleteDone autocmd and drop the last completion in my status line.

Michael Fiano10:03:41

@markwoodhall Very cool. How did you do that?


I capture the last completion info:

autocmd BufEnter * if !exists('b:last_completion_sig') | let b:last_completion_sig = '' | endif
    autocmd CompleteDone * let b:last_completion_sig = join(split(has_key(v:completed_item, 'info') ? v: : b:last_completion_sig, '\n')[0:1], ' ')
Then I expose that variable in my lightline config.

Michael Fiano10:03:37

Hmm I didn't know you could add custom info in lightline


That is what I do.

Michael Fiano10:03:13

@markwoodhall That works thanks, however vim emits an error when CtrlP is invoked

Michael Fiano10:03:24

Error detected while processing function LightlineCompletion:
E121: Undefined variable: b:last_completion_sig
It only seems to have problems with for file buffers


Ah, weird, I'm using fzf rather than ctrlp.


I guess you can just check if that variable exists in LightlineCompletion.

Michael Fiano10:03:23

Yeah that works

Michael Fiano10:03:41

Great thanks. Now I just have to solve my tab key problems with ncm


Is that just that you need to do something like inoremap <expr><TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>" ?

Michael Fiano10:03:56

I actually have that


If you remove that then you can tab as desired with the pum visible, I think, but you will need to use <C-n> to cycle through completions?

Michael Fiano10:03:34

Oh i see. The issue was that I was invoking ncm manually with tab. i disabled the auto popup

Michael Fiano10:03:35

Thanks all. This is good enough as a CIDER replacement now.


If you prefer not to use the status line for the completion info then you can always just change the CompleteDone autocmd to echo rather than capturing a variable. I like the status line approach but for multi-arity functions with lots of arguments, it can sometimes truncate.

Michael Fiano10:03:14

Oh yeah, fair point

Michael Fiano10:03:14

The location list approach to stacktraces is kind of confusing...I never really used the location list before

Michael Fiano10:03:36

echoing is not very persistent though. it disappears as soon as i jump out of a s-expression etc


I probably meant echom.

Michael Fiano10:03:52

Same difference.

Michael Fiano10:03:53

If I type def, select defn completion candidate and then continue so I have (defn foo ...), the echom disappears as soon as I press f in foo.


That does't happen for me with cmdheight=2.

Michael Fiano10:03:57

Same thing huh


I think you can make it better by using autocmd CompleteDone * if has_key(v:completed_item, 'info') | echo join(split(v:, '\n')[0:1]) | endif but can see that it's still not perfect.

Michael Fiano11:03:03

The problem is the other line


No need to split, you can use v:


I think echodoc only works if you press <Ctrl-y>, it doesn't for CompleteDone also, it probably should tbh


I have echodoc working I think, but it's flashing because I have something else causing an error odd enough.

Michael Fiano11:03:50

That doesn't work for me, and reading the issues, it seems to be a regex mess

Michael Fiano11:03:03

I'd rather just extract it out of the pum


that makes sense to me

Michael Fiano11:03:58

But for some reason, the above snippet from mark blocks...wants me to press enter to continue


Best I can get with echoing, rather than in my status line is using this:

autocmd BufEnter * if !exists('b:last_completion_sig') | let b:last_completion_sig = '' | endif
    autocmd CompleteDone * if has_key(v:completed_item, 'info') && v: != '' | let b:last_completion_sig = join(split(v:, '\n')[0:1]) | endif
    autocmd CompleteDone * echo b:last_completion_sig


Again with cmdheight=2


Or set noshowmode but that isn't as clean.


I think splitting or just using v: is just preference, since the menu includes kind and CLJ/CLJS.

Michael Fiano11:03:59

Yeah I can't get it to not block input without faking the variable

Michael Fiano11:03:06

I accomplished similar


The above works well enough for me.


I'm terrible with vimscript though. 🙈


Did you already rule out completeopt+=preview because it's a bit hideous?

Michael Fiano12:03:18

function! CompletionEcho()
  if !exists('b:last_completion_sig')
    let b:last_completion_sig = ''
    if has_key(v:completed_item, 'info') && v: != ''
      let b:last_completion_sig = join(split(v:, '\n')[0:1])
    echo b:last_completion_sig

augroup completion_echo
  au completedone * call CompletionEcho()
augroup end

Michael Fiano12:03:27

My vimscript is horrible too, but that's what I got

Michael Fiano12:03:15

Yeah, preview is hideous...the window keeps growing everytime a docstring is longer to account for it...and if i close it, it annoys me when it pushes my buffers around when it opens


Hmh. Is there a way to "mirror" a repl connection? So that it's not just the same repl, but also shows the same input and output


I suppose I could do tricks with screen or tmux, but I was wondering if lein repl or nrepl itself could do some tricks. Or the clojure socket repl


I'd like a way to send forms from nvim to the repl and see them on the other screen, without having the multiwindow support landed in nvim


I've not seen this done. It could be, but you'd be in new territory.


Then I'll go with screen


It's pretty trivial to set it manually, but I have to figure out how to make it smooth


Something like opening a clj file would open a hidden :terminal buffer with screen -S project_name lein repl, unless screen with that name already exists, and then just connect to it (still hidden)


I suppose I'd better make a short shell script that handles the screen start/attach, and google a bit for how to do the nvim side. autocmd something something, I suppose


That will not work when it's time to do some cljs again, but I'll cross that hurdle when I get there


autocmd FileType clojure nested split term://~/bin/ | :hide seems to do it, where my script recurses to parent dirs until it finds where project.lein is, then uses the name of the leaf dir to attach a screen, and if that fails, create a new one


Hack hack hack 🙂

Michael Fiano22:03:07

Anyone using fireplace that can make sense of the location list stack trace?

Michael Fiano22:03:16

It doesn't even give me an exception message

Michael Fiano22:03:45

How do people even go about debugging on vim? With CIDER I had exceptions being raised


depends on what you mean with debugging

Michael Fiano22:03:33

Anything that doesn't leave me guessing why something doesn't compile


@mfiano i'll typically evaluate *e in the repl to see the full stacktrace


i haven't bothered to make sense of the location list stacktrace