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Hi, I am trying to implement kafka messaging bus for resiliency along with sqs in my app. Backend services are developed in clj and frontend script is in cljs. I have successfully implemented kafka producers in BE service and I need to implement kafka consumers in FE. FE is a browser application that is using clojurescript code as script. The cljs app is build on boot build tool. The problem I am facing is to implementing kafka consumers in cljs as there is no perfect library to build kafka client in cljs. I thought of wrapping a JS library using cljsjs and using it for my app but I am facing issue in creating extern file for the package. Need help with creating extern file for JS library that is kafkajs 2.2.4


A proper long-term solution is to ditch Boot and CLJSJS and switch to shadow-cljs (my preferred choice) or figwheel-main.

❤️ 2

The thing is FE is already developed in boot and is in prod so it will be a hassle to ditch boot. Is there any way to use shadow-cljs with boot. shadow-cljs can be integrated with boot but the documentation is incomplete for boot integration