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Wondering if someone wrote a slatejs (react highly configurable rich text editor) port to clojurescript that plays well with reframe (or any other similar editor). I found one ( that is a bit outdated..


we're using prosemirror which plays well with re-frame (we're dispatching & applying prosemirror through re-frames event loop)


Awesome thanks for the tip! Do you have any opinion of slate VS prose mirror?


Also, do you have a code snippet I could get started with?

Rupert (All Street)07:09:58

@U02FP0U7J1W - If you are not too tied into reframe then you could use a more 'react aligned' UI framework like #uix which would let you use SlateJS and other JavaScript libraries easily with just a bit of javascript interop (no external wrapper required). Note, SlateJS is pretty low level - you need to use a lot of plugins and deep integration to make it work and provide rich editing functionality.


yes, I would always go with prosemirror, it's the best out there


for something a bit easier to use I recommend, it's also built on top of prosemirror


@U5H74UNSF How do you avoid the "Applying a mismatched transaction" problem when the sending of the transaction as an event and then updating the editor's state use a subscription takes longer than it takes for a user to enter another key? It seems more of a clojurescript/reframe question then it is a prosemirror (I think) It seems weird to me that this might even be a problem because I'm not sure the editor can rely on the default dispatchTransaction to be fast enough.. Is there a specifc way in which you update the state? I currently am holding the EditorState in the app-db (its smelly but I didn't want to hold the state in the views..). And thank you 🙂 edit: dispatch-sync helps but does not completely solve the problem


yeah you should use dispatch-sync


we keep the view in the app db state and then in the re-frame event handler we create a ::doc/render effect

 (fn doc-render [{::keys [^js view state]}]
   (when (.-docView view)
     (.updateState view state))))


keeping the view in the state isn’t needed though as the transaction event can carry it


but yeah, it’s important you do the state update once per transaction and not via a subscription


ha nice! that's what ill do thanks!!