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Lidor Cohen13:09:36

Hi, is it possible to override map accessors for a specific tagged map (hope I got my terminology correct)?

(def my-map #some-tag{:a 1 :b 2})

(my-map :a) => some specific logic
(:a my-map) => the same specific logic
(get-in my-map [:a]) => the same specific logic


#some-tag invokes a data reader for some-tag which should return an instance of some data type. What you can and cannot do with that data type then depends on that particular type.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:09:42

I would say that you should look suspiciously on desires to do so

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:09:03

If you need custom logic, make a function

Lidor Cohen13:09:19

I want to create some kind of lazy map that evaluates (and also access itself) on access. I realize I don't want to override the core map, hence the tag, to separate it and treat it as a special type, but I do want as less deviation as possible from the core map API. I'm still a beginner so I might be using the wrong instruments for the task...


I'm with @U064X3EF3 on this one. I would ask why you need this facility? What you've presented is a solution to a problem you may have. Without understanding why you think you need to specialise map in the first place it's hard to suggest a more idiomatic approach. Normally you would write a function that takes a map as an argument and does whatever you require.

Lidor Cohen14:09:46

Well, I wrote about it here: The gist is that on our company we work extensively with a data structure the requires self-ref and evaluate on access and be open to the std map api (get-in, assoc, merge, etc...).


i've seen a lib that implement this data type

Lidor Cohen14:09:30

That would be awesome 🙏 😊

Ferdinand Beyer15:09:19

Sounds like you want to define your own type that behaves like a map but is not really a map. You can deftype your own type and implement all ClojureScript protocols that PersistentHashMap does:

Lidor Cohen15:09:50

Yeah, that's probably what I want. Is it possible to only override the access method and inherit all other implementations? Or must I specify each and every method?

Ferdinand Beyer15:09:56

You must provide all protocols for the behavior you want. There is no inheritance. You can probably leave out quite a few, such as IMeta if you don’t require your type to carry metadata.

Lidor Cohen16:09:07

I don't want it to bite me back when someone will use some functionality that is supposed to work with a map but won't work for my map, so I guess I'll have to implement the entire interface...

Lidor Cohen11:09:32

So I'm trying to experiment with it (at worst I'll just earn a better understanding of cljs type & protocols system).

(def ^:private lookup-sentinel (js-obj))
  (deftype LazySelfrefMap [meta cnt root ^boolean has-nil? nil-val ^:mutable __hash]
    (toString [coll]
      (pr-str* coll))
    (equiv [this other]
      (-equiv this other))

  ;; EXPERIMENTAL: subject to change
    (keys [coll]
      (es6-iterator (keys coll)))
    (entries [coll]
      (es6-entries-iterator (seq coll)))
    (values [coll]
      (es6-iterator (vals coll)))
    (has [coll k]
      (contains? coll k))
    (get [coll k not-found]
      (-lookup coll k not-found))
    (forEach [coll f]
      (doseq [[k v] coll]
        (f v k)))

    (-clone [_] (PersistentHashMap. meta cnt root has-nil? nil-val __hash))

    (-iterator [coll]
      (let [root-iter (if ^boolean root (-iterator root) (nil-iter))]
        (if has-nil?
          (HashMapIter. nil-val root-iter false)

    (-with-meta [coll new-meta]
      (if (identical? new-meta meta)
        (PersistentHashMap. new-meta cnt root has-nil? nil-val __hash)))

    (-meta [coll] meta)

    (-conj [coll entry]
      (if (vector? entry)
        (-assoc coll (-nth entry 0) (-nth entry 1))
        (loop [ret coll es (seq entry)]
          (if (nil? es)
            (let [e (first es)]
              (if (vector? e)
                (recur (-assoc ret (-nth e 0) (-nth e 1))
                       (next es))
                (throw (js/Error. "conj on a map takes map entries or seqables of map entries"))))))))

    (-empty [coll] (-with-meta (.-EMPTY PersistentHashMap) meta))

    (-equiv [coll other] (equiv-map coll other))

    (-hash [coll] (caching-hash coll hash-unordered-coll __hash))

    (-seq [coll]
      (when (pos? cnt)
        (let [s (if-not (nil? root) (.inode-seq root))]
          (if has-nil?
            (cons (MapEntry. nil nil-val nil) s)

    (-count [coll] cnt)

    (-lookup [coll k]
      (-lookup coll k nil))

    (-lookup [coll k not-found]
      (cond (nil? k)    (if has-nil?
            (nil? root) not-found
            :else       (.inode-lookup root 0 (hash k) k not-found)))

    (-assoc [coll k v]
      (if (nil? k)
        (if (and has-nil? (identical? v nil-val))
          (PersistentHashMap. meta (if has-nil? cnt (inc cnt)) root true v nil))
        (let [added-leaf? (Box. false)
              new-root    (-> (if (nil? root)
                                (.-EMPTY BitmapIndexedNode)
                              (.inode-assoc 0 (hash k) k v added-leaf?))]
          (if (identical? new-root root)
            (PersistentHashMap. meta (if ^boolean (.-val added-leaf?) (inc cnt) cnt) new-root has-nil? nil-val nil)))))

    (-contains-key? [coll k]
      (cond (nil? k)    has-nil?
            (nil? root) false
            :else       (not (identical? (.inode-lookup root 0 (hash k) k lookup-sentinel)

    (-find [coll k]
        (nil? k) (when has-nil? (MapEntry. nil nil-val nil))
        (nil? root) nil
        :else (.inode-find root 0 (hash k) k nil)))

    (-dissoc [coll k]
      (cond (nil? k)    (if has-nil?
                          (PersistentHashMap. meta (dec cnt) root false nil nil)
            (nil? root) coll
            (let [new-root (.inode-without root 0 (hash k) k)]
              (if (identical? new-root root)
                (PersistentHashMap. meta (dec cnt) new-root has-nil? nil-val nil)))))

    (-kv-reduce [coll f init]
      (let [init (if has-nil? (f init nil nil-val) init)]
          (reduced? init)          @init
          (not (nil? root)) (unreduced (.kv-reduce root f init))
          :else                    init)))

    (-invoke [coll k]
      (-lookup coll k))

    (-invoke [coll k not-found]
      (-lookup coll k not-found))

    (-as-transient [coll]
      (TransientHashMap. (js-obj) root cnt has-nil? nil-val)))

  (defn lazy-selfref-map
    "keyval => key val
  Returns a new hash map with supplied mappings."
    [& keyvals]
    (loop [in (seq keyvals), out (transient (.-EMPTY LazySelfrefMap))]
      (if in
        (let [in' (next in)]
          (if (nil? in')
            (throw (js/Error. (str "No value supplied for key: " (first in))))
            (recur (next in') (assoc! out (first in) (first in')))))
        (persistent! out))))
I copied the PersistentHashMap Implementation and just renamed it for starter to see if I get the same behavior under my type, but I failed pretty fast:
(.-EMPTY LazySelfrefMap) => nil

(transient (.-EMPTY LazySelfrefMap)) => 
; Execution error (Error) at (<cljs repl>:1).
No protocol method IEditableCollection.-as-transient defined for type undefined: 

(lazy-selfref-map :a 1) => 
; Execution error (Error) at (<cljs repl>:1).
No protocol method IEditableCollection.-as-transient defined for type undefined: 
.-EMPTY returned nil and transient threw an exception (because it didn't get any valid type). I tried to understand where's .-EMPTY implementation is but couldn't figure it out, can someone please help me shed some light, or even point me to some guide that will help me get started?


the lib i mentionned: (no self ref though)

Lidor Cohen12:09:34

Thank you, maybe I can learn how to implement a map from there 😄


Hi frontend amateur here, building a small app for friend. Frontend question: giving that the dynamic/lazy import exist, and it's posible to "load js as you go", what would be the advantage of building a Multi Page App? For context I been playing around with next.js and now I'm looking for something similar in cljs, I see shadowjs allows to do codespliting, if on top I could pre-render re-frame/reagent I would achieve the same functionality as next.js , also I don't see a point for SSR besides SEO. I know that if the app is small enough, SPA would do just fine 🙂, but this is a theoretical question, in case I ever need to build something bigger.

Philip Peterson21:09:59

Hello all, I am trying to use dvingo/cljs-styled-components {:mvn/version "0.1.11"} in a Reagent app. I added this to the deps.edn, and the docs say to include the following:

(:require [cljs-styled-components.reagent
              :refer [defstyled]])
However when running clj, it gives the following error message:
Unexpected error (ExceptionInfo) compiling at (REPL:1).
No such namespace: cljs-styled-components.reagent, could not locate cljs_styled_components/reagent.cljs, cljs_styled_components/reagent.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "cljs-styled-components.reagent" (Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the ClojureScript file name) in file
Does anyone know what i may be doing wrong?


The group ID of that dependency is its name, not dvingo. So it should be cljs-styled-components/cljs-styled-components {:mvn/version "0.1.11"} in deps.edn.

Philip Peterson21:09:24

My bad, that was something I tried to fix the error but it actually doesn’t change anything. My deps.edn now reads cljs-styled-components/cljs-styled-components {:mvn/version "0.1.11"} and still the same error message.


FWIW, with shadow-cljs I get a different error:

The required JS dependency "styled-components" is not available, it was required by "cljs_styled_components/common.cljc".

Dependency Trace:
And after running npm i styled-components, the build got fixed. No clue what's going on on your side.


Are you sure you e.g. added the dependency to the root :deps or to an alias that you 100% specify during the UI build?

Philip Peterson21:09:27

Oh hmm. Yeah I am using clj -M -m cljs.main -co build.edn -v -c -r so no shadow-cljs


Shouldn't really matter in this case - as long as that jar is on the classpath of the CLJS build process.


That looks alright. No clue, sorry.

👍 1
Philip Peterson21:09:07

’sok, thanks anyway!


in your deps.edn there's a misplaced braces }

❤️ 1
Philip Peterson02:09:09

Wow, great find, thank you. That’s crazy, so was it treating it as a sub-dependency of reagent/reagent or something?

Philip Peterson02:09:06

Oh, I guess it was just getting swallowed up? Curious, did you find this by staring at the source code or did you run a command to help debug?


It was placed as the reagent dep configuration, but ignored because it didn't match any configuration key