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@joelittlejohn the [x] will end up taking the IPrintWithWriter path also described in the SO link you pasted. You'll need to implement that in addition to toString.

👍 3

Hey all, started a new luminus project with +cljs. I have things working in dev mode, but when I lein uberjar then java -jar project.jar and go to the browser I get the dreaded Target container is not a DOM element when mounting. Looking into this it seems the error arises when the js loads before the DOM and to fix place the script tag at the bottom of the html file.... but that's where it is. Also baffled why it would work in dev but not in an uberjar? Any thoughts?


I can share links to the code as well


Maybe I don't understand the luminus environments totally, but I haven't touched those really so not sure why they would act differently in terms of loading the js between dev and prod


Thanks for any help! quite the mystery