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Hey all, I'm trying to do some general profiling to find bottlenecks in a shadow-cljs node app. Ideally I'd like to just flip a flag when testing and get a report. I've fiddled with a number of inbuilt nodejs profiling options, but they're all too low-level or don't use my source maps or what have you. I found tufte, which is kind of nice, but I'd rather not whitelist forms for my current purposes, and I got lots of errors when I added it to my project. Is there a good way to do this? Alternatively, is there a way to crawl a namespace and wrap functions defined there with my own profiling code?


you can run your node script with node --inspect-brk your-script.js and open . that'll let you use the chrome devtools to profile stuff. maybe that helps?


@jstaab I had something similar going in a clj project for walking a ns and instrumenting fns for


let me see if I can find it


nice, thanks @rboyd that looks like a good start

🚀 5

@rboyd have I read correctly that that implementation relies on alter-var-root to do the instrumentation? I don't believe that lives in clojurescript


Any idea how I might get around that?


So far I have


(defmacro instrument-ns! [ns-sym]
  `(doseq [[k# v#] (ns-publics '~ns-sym)]
     (set! (symbol '~ns-sym k#) :whatever)))


And I get set! target must be a field or a symbol naming a var


I imagine it's because I'm doing this dynamically, and I'm not in macroland at the point I call set!, but I'm not sure how to get my ns-publics result from clojure, since if I call it outside the syntax quote it says the namespace doesn't exist


You can look at the source of spec to see how that’s done


Hello everybody! Why are type functions different for Clojure and ClojureScript? Why does ClojureScript type doesn't support the :type meta? Clojure type

(defn type 
  "Returns the :type metadata of x, or its Class if none"
  {:added "1.0"
   :static true}
  (or (get (meta x) :type) (class x)))
Clojurescript type
(defn type
  "Return x's constructor."
  (when-not (nil? x)
    (.-constructor x)))


Does anyone know a ClojureScript app that can be used to teach beginners?


This one's a classic and showcases the awesomeness of hot-code reloading at the repl


But there are a whole host of "learning modules" that run on if you open the side panel on the left. Mostly about learning clojure in general, but runs on a self-hosted clojurescript instance right in the browser.