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Does anyone know how to set a binding in cljs.user when evaluating code with the self-hosted compiler? I’d like the eval function to have a binding already set up for cljs.user/*db* when I call it. I’m pretty sure I need to manipulate the [:cljs.analyzer/namespaces 'cljs.user :defs '*db*] object in the compiler state but I have no idea what I should set it to. I’m just binding a data structure, not a function or anything


is there a way to write cljs code on iOS? my search only showed me people trying to develop for iOS, not on it


I’m 95% sure you aren’t interested in this approach, but blink (the best ios ssh program) + emacs on (substitute the cloud provider of your choice)


I use it for clojure dev regularly from an ipad. You really need an external keyboard, but it works well.


Anyone know how to access the compiler options passed to clojurescript at compile time? Specifically I’m looking to save the :asset-path option so I can use it to spawn a web worker


Ah, perfect. Thanks!


I am asking for feedback I made a library to validate form inputs in CLJS with spec and fn. I would love to know if you will use it and get constructive feedback! PS What is the best place to publish to community information about this library? It needs some advertising and I don’t have famous blog 🙂


I think common places include #announcements or the mailing list


mailing list?


I don’t have my own mailing list. I am not famous blogger 🙂


Thank you for #announcements, i didn’t know about this channel


cool, thank you